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Saggy Pants

The TN AG says a ban on saggy pants is ‘Arguably Unconstitutional‘. One would hope so.

5 Responses to “Saggy Pants”

  1. Rustmeister Says:

    Wouldn’t an indecent exposure charge handle any transgression?

    If it doesn’t fit the criteria, then leave them the hell alone.

  2. Matt Groom Says:

    If they would stop trying to outlaw it and ban it in schools, it would be seen for the clownish behavior that it is and would cease to be cool. Thus, kids will stop doing it as soon as adults stop bitching about it.

  3. workinwifdakids Says:

    I’ve started recommending these thuggish little boys wear their underwear on the outside.

    If ultimately their goal is to force me to look at their soiled panties, then that would be the best look for them.

  4. Sarah Says:

    Don’t these people know that the pendulum always swings the other way, if you leave it alone? Why, I’ll bet you in a few years these kids would be hiking their pants up to the armpits like Fred Mertz. 😛

  5. Andrew Says:

    If they ban them, it makes it harder for the Police to chase them down.

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