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better to make mutton

So, google goes green and uses goats to mow the grass. PETA has an issue with this.

7 Responses to “better to make mutton”

  1. Curtis Lowe Says:

    I think it’s funny when tree-huggers irritate bunny huggers and vice versa. Just goes to show you can never do anything “right” enough to please these people.

  2. Nomen Nescio Says:

    “PETA has an issue…” you could’ve stopped right there.

    i’ve had roast goat. tasted perfectly fine, much better than that funky goat’s milk cheese the local co-op keeps trying to sell me. if i had a lawn big enough for a goat to be interested in, i’d consider it too — especially if i got part-claim in the mutton at the end of the year.

  3. Matt Groom Says:

    I actually like this idea, and Goats won’t blow grass clippings all over your recently washed car. Just mind the piles. Plus, delicious Goats milk and Feta cheese is now available in the cafeteria.

  4. Matt Groom Says:

    P.S. Isn’t Mutton made from Sheep? What’s it called if it’s Goat Meat?

  5. Alcibiades Says:

    The goats are slaves, clearly.

  6. Rabbit Says:

    PETA has issues with everyone who won’t wear organically-produced hemp underwear.

    So, what else is new, aside from cabrito fiesta and bbq this weekend?


  7. ATLien Says:

    Cause PETA knows that goats don’t eat grass!

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