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Anonymous tough guy

That’s me, alright. Wait. I’m confused. I thought, being a gun nut, I was not a tough guy and therefore compensating for that and my small penis with my guns.

6 Responses to “Anonymous tough guy”

  1. Rustmeister Says:

    Only the MSM can have it both ways, tough guy.

  2. nk Says:

    compensating for … my small penis

    That’s the answer right there. You don’t have enough of what he dreams about.

  3. Guav Says:

    There is a such a thing as an ad hominem attack that is based in reality—this is not one of them. Truly bizarre.

  4. anon Says:

    My guns ARE compensating for something:

    They’re compensating for the fact that my penis doesn’t shoot jacketed hollow-points at a thousand feet per second!

  5. Nate Says:

    anon wins

  6. B Smith Says:

    I am a true bad-ass. In lo my many years as owner of multiple firearms (including, but not limited to, weapons that have seen actual military use), not ONE of these fearsome killing machines has yet DARED to break out of the safe (nor jump off the nightstand) in order to go on a murderous rampage !! NOT ONCE have these evil, seductive instruments of death overcome the force of my will, causing me to harm my fellow humans !!
    Clearly, my schlong is mightier, and my machismo towers above the pansies cited by the left, who can’t control their firearms !!

    [Aside: I agree, Anon wins. Mighty though my schlong may be, it won’t do that, either…nor do I especially want it to. Painful, I’d think, and hard on a relationship]

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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