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Clearly, they should ban knives now

Knife killings up 50% in NY.

4 Responses to “Clearly, they should ban knives now”

  1. Vote For David Says:

    Why not? They did it in UK. Since they are in Yurrop whatever they do has to be better, right?

  2. Mikee Says:

    Didn’t they think to ban murder? By the gun banners’ logic, such a law should stop all improper homicides, at least as well as banning the implements used to perform the killings.

    Wait, there are laws against murder? Then we must not have quite enough common sense, reasonable laws against it! Better pass some more….

  3. Matt Groom Says:

    The best thing New York could do is outlaw New Yorkers.

  4. Vote For David Says:

    But then they would all just go to Jersey, which would make NJ worse, if such a thing were possible.


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