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Oops – again

So, you’re sitting around having a coffee on the porch when a 102-pound artillery shell lands in your yard. With a pic.

6 Responses to “Oops – again”

  1. Mikee Says:

    Forget the apology they are asking for, keep the inert shell!

  2. Huck Says:

    I’d like to know why these people picked up the shell. It could’ve been a live one that didnt go off… then! But could’ve after being fiddled with.

    Anytime you find a artillery shell, mortar round, grenade, whatever, assume it could blow you to bits.

  3. BobG Says:

    How long before it gets blamed on the NRA?

  4. Ian Argent Says:

    Article says they did not approach the shell in case it was live.

  5. Matt Groom Says:

    I don’t know anyone who’s been on the receiving end of a 155mm shell and lived to tell the tale! That’s quite a muck-up BAE!

    The one target report we got during a fire mission in Iraq was somewhat informal since it only included two words. Those words were “…body parts…”.

    I’d be happy as long as I got to keep that shell. Would be a hell of a conversation piece!

  6. Linoge Says:

    They certainly would never get the shell back if it landed in my yard… they were obviously giving it to me, though their method of delivery would cause me to voice my objections, loudly, to BAE and the military base commander.

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