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Police misplace almost a dozen high-powered assault rifles

4 Responses to “Oops”

  1. Tom Says:

    those must be in the 10% not traceable back to the US…or maybe in the 90% (of 17% of recovered guns that is)

  2. Huck Says:

    “Police also say the weapons have not been stolen.”

    If they dont know where they are how can the cops be sure that they aint stolen? They probably have new owners who speak spanish.

    BTW, what’s a “high powered” assault rifle?

  3. Ride Fast Says:

    Shouldn’t that be “medium powered standard rifles”?

  4. Matt Groom Says:

    Where can I get one of these “high-powered assault-rifles”? I know I can’t really own an actual assault rifle, damned Volkmer-McClure ban! All of my semi-auto rifles are more like medium-powered. Ho-hum. Maybe I should get a .50 Beowulf or something?

    One of the interesting things about Phoenix is the high concentration of Islamic fanatics and Mexican Drug Gangs. I’m sure those rifles are just… misplaced. Criminal organizations around the world frequently rent firearms to people, not sell them. That way they know who is committing what crimes and they make a profit without losing a product.

    If a corrupt cop rents his otherwise unobtainable, select-fire service weapon to a criminal who uses it in a crime that he can in no way be connected with otherwise, it makes it literally, the perfect crime gun.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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