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The media and gun laws

Yup: Here is how bad the media is when it comes to guns: a Washington Post reporter writing a piece on gun policy literally *does not recognize a felony when it is committed in front of him.*

3 Responses to “The media and gun laws”

  1. Matt Groom Says:

    Journalistic ignorance about firearms and firearms law is a prerequisite of the occupation.

  2. Mikee Says:

    Bad reporting makes bad facts. The Allerds are identified as not being licensed dealers. Maybe they aren’t licensed, maybe they are. I won’t believe the reporter, since he had an agenda piece ongoing at the time.

    Maybe the Allerds were just talking with him about how licensed versus unlicensed dealers differ in their sales requirements, when the reporter asked about buying over a dozen guns. They may have meant that they could direct him to a licensed dealer with the exact guns he wanted. They may have meant they personally could supply those weapons, from what was under the table, in a legal sale by private persons. They may have recognized a potential sale to the reporter, who may not have identified himself as such, and wanted to get more info.

    Unless they are unlicensed, private persons who do not have the guns under question already in their possession to sell, I think no crime. And again, I won’t believe anything based on the published report.

  3. mariner Says:

    Somehow I doubt the Allerds actually said what the Post reporter wrote they said.

    If the Washington Post reported the sun was rising in the East, I’d look for myself.

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