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A mystery

Seems the Minneapolis Star-Tribune reported that violent crime has drastically decreased in the city. It’s a shocker to them and the local authorities as to why that is as everyone lines up to take credit. But it seems that it correlates strongly to the passage of concealed carry laws:

The peak for murder and violence in Minneapolis was 2005. And what happened in 2005? Why, the Minnesota Personal Protection Act took effect.

5 Responses to “A mystery”

  1. Blackwing1 Says:

    The drop in lethal violence may be actual, but as a long-time resident of Minneapolis I simply don’t believe the other BS. The MPD instituted a new policy for reporting property crimes a couple of years ago; it can be summed up as, “Don’t bother”.

    Their official statement (sent to homeowners along with the garbage/recycling schedule) indicated that they would no longer send out officers to the scene of a crime, as long as the criminals were no longer there. You now have to either go to their (horribly buggie) website and file electronically, or go down to the precinct and fill out the forms there in order to get a crime report that you can file with your insurance company.

    It’s a nifty way to ensure that property crimes (the reported ones, that is) drop off quickly. As far as I can tell in my neighborhood there has been NO drop in property crime, particularly with regard to car theft and car break-ins.

  2. Mikee Says:

    Here in my adjacent to Austin, relatively small but growing county the police response may be slow at times but it is thorough. They spent an entire evening recently tracking a suburban burglar who ran off when surprised in the act. They used dogs and helicopters and made a perimeter around about a mile square area, using maybe 12 police cars. They caught him, too, dragging him from under a car with dog attached while he screamed rather amusingly.

    We don’t need no stinkin’ insurance forms. Don’t mess with Texas. If the homeowners don’t shoot you, and the dog doesn’t bite you, the police will be rather unpleasant as they haul you off to county, because it is a long drive from here and interferes with their naps behind billboards.

  3. Metulj Says:

    Correlate strongly: Where’s the R^2?

  4. SayUncle Says:

    next to C^O?

  5. Lyle Says:

    Lets see; how did that old thing go? “…being necessary to the security of a free state…”

    Oh never mind.

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