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Mexican drug gangs and their weapon of choice

AirSoft AK-47s, apparently. Oh, and they come from US gun shows, natch.

Bonus for ravenwood’s law too.

Update: Image changed. Heh. This was the first image she opted for.

25 Responses to “Mexican drug gangs and their weapon of choice”

  1. Linoge Says:

    The irony of that woman knows no bounds…

    She complains about guns heading south, and yet she puts up a picture of a toy.

    Earlier, she complained about harassment, ridicule, confrontation, and other forms of unpleasantness, and now she uses terms like “teabagger”, and goes out of her way to blame all law-abiding citizens for the illegal actions of a few criminals.

    She is a hypocrite, pure and simple, and willfully ignorant to boot. Unfortunately for her, she seems quite intent on expressing both of those character flaws at every possible opportunity… but it is rather amusing, I have to admit.

  2. Gun Blobber Says:

    How can you tell it’s an Airsoft? It looks real enough to me (and I own 2 AK’s, one Romy and one Hungarian). I can see rivets in the right place for the trunnions, dimpled magwell, functional-looking mag release, pins in what appear to be the right places for the trigger and hammer, a correct-looking receiver cover, Chinese-style folding bayonet… front and rear sights appear to look like they should… magazine looks right… what am I missing here? I have never seen an Airsoft AK before.

  3. Hartley Says:

    I left a somewhat complete reply on that site, it will be interesting to see if it makes it through “moderation”..:-)
    But the sheer number of de-bunkable points in that screech exceeds my ability to hit ’em all, so I’m sure others will join in and help ’em see the error of their ways..

  4. SayUncle Says:

    How can you tell it’s an Airsoft?

    THe bright orange barrel. She has since changed image.

  5. gmcraff Says:

    Anyone else notice that the new article referenced is relying on quotes from a 19-year-old and his 14-year-old sister, who just happen to be sitting behind a table “laden with assault rifles” at a gun show?

    Would it be a stretch to thing the “reporter” waited until dad-with-the-FFL went off to the bathroom before cornering the kids for a few minutes of questioning that produce some great copy when taken completely out of context?

  6. Jake Says:

    And Reasoned Discourse ™ is in effect. Commenter FiftyCal gets a “you are doing multiple postings here. You have said your piece and made your point, be that as it may, now please move on.” on his second post, but skyewriter has four posts and gets told “That was excellent.”

    Debate allowed, but only by people who support her opinion.

  7. Gerald Says:

    “And Reasoned Discourse ™ is in effect. Commenter FiftyCal gets a “you are doing multiple postings here. You have said your piece and made your point, be that as it may, now please move on.” on his second post, but skyewriter has four posts and gets told “That was excellent.””

    I always refer to her website as “The Echo Chamber”. If you don’t echo what Cathy says, you don’t get heard.

  8. BobG Says:

    “Debate allowed, but only by people who support her opinion.”

    That’s SOP for anti-gun blogs.

  9. Hartley Says:

    Wonder of wonders, she’s actually letting some commentors thru that don’t agree with her.
    As far as she’s concerned, though 90% and 34% are pretty much the same..and since the 17% came from Fox News, it clearly can’t be right (but anything the ATF says is 110% right, of course..:-)
    I wonder what sort of wacko response she’ll have to the Ignadosian (X-guns) dismissal.

  10. Hartley Says:

    OK, anybody who knows the law better than I do is welcome to ask her how you appeal a dismissed case without invoking double jeopardy.

  11. Brad Says:

    Reasoned discourse is right.

  12. Brad Says:

    Hah! The coward has now closed commenting on her brain dead post.

  13. Moriarty Says:

    Dammit. I just missed the deadline for Reasoned Discourse.

    Here was my comment, for all the good it would have done.

    “No paperwork, nothing,” said Jacob Allerd. “Just an Arizona license. And proof you’re over 21.”

    And neither U.S. nor Arizona law limit the number of guns one can buy, even from dealers.

    “Fifteen?” Allerd said. “We can get it for you. Most people just want two or three at the most.”

    “Depends on the person,” said his twin brother, Jordan, by the shotguns. “My dad’s big on trust.”

    “And some people don’t care,” Jacob said. “Some people will sell you as much as you want.”

    Yeaaaah. Sure. Whoever said that (if indeed he said it) is actively courting arrest and prosecution by the BATFE under Chapter 44, Title 18 of the United States Code, better known as the Gun Control Act (GCA) of 1968.

    For your information, the so-called “gun show loophole” exists so that a private citizen can sell, give, bequeath or otherwise transfer a firearm to a qualified individual without either being or involving a Federal Firearms Licensee. (For reference, Sarah Brady did this by buying and transferring a deer rifle to her son at Christmas in 2000.)

    Per the GCA:

    a person who makes occasional sales, exchanges, or purchases of firearms for the enhancement of a personal collection or for a hobby, or who sells all or part of his personal collection of firearms

    is not

    engaged in the business of selling firearms at wholesale or retail


    a person who devotes time, attention, and labor to dealing in firearms as a regular course of trade or business with the principal objective of obtaining livelihood through the repetitive purchase and resale of firearms.

    The latter instances require a Federal Firearms License (FFL), with attendant procedures, bookkeeping and traceability. Being an “unlicensed dealer” or otherwise involved “in the business” without an FFL is a violation of the GCA.

    Under Federal law the first instance does not.

    Clear enough? The transactions described in the WaPo article are felonies, punishable by fines and/or imprisonment under Federal law. (Even soliciting such transactions is considered conspiracy to commit a felony, which is itself a felony.)

    So, what “gun show loophole” are you referencing? All I see here is a description of criminal activity written and uncritically passed along by people who haven’t done their homework.

    (Speaking of research, you might want to compare
    the crime rates in the “Wild West” to the urban East before you spew that tired meme again. Then again, you couldn’t figure out what the little orange thingie on the end of an AirSoft toy meant, so I’m probably asking too much.)

  14. Standard Mischief Says:

    Update it again, she closed comments. Reasoned Discoursetm struck again. ~ 10:24 PM Eastern time.

    I was going to ask her if the second picture was really a real smuggled fully auto firearm that was recovered in Mexico and traced back to a gunshow with a real honest loophone. It looks like she just ripped it off from here.

    The size and md5sums match:

    SM-$ md5sum *.jpg
    1e88d027b26b7e4a9d8a21aa9f0ecd68 643231-AK-47-2.jpg
    1e88d027b26b7e4a9d8a21aa9f0ecd68 ak-47.jpg

    I was also going to ask her if the photo adds anything to the post of if it’s just there to scare people. I mean all she’s got is the airsoft photo, the ripped off photo, and some scary quotes from the very well known anti-gun WaPo. I mean we don’t call it “Pravda on the Potomac” for nothing.

    Oh, and she’s got her unnamed friend that’s a BATFU agent. So let’s add it up, slashdot style….

    1. One toy gun photo
    2. One “scary” stolen photo
    3. Spoon-fed swill from the anti-RKBA WaPo
    4. Unnamed Agent source

    6. PSH!

  15. SayUncle Says:

    I dunno why y’all bother. I just link because her whole post amused me. Pointless to engage. You can’t stimulate the stupid into not being stupid.

  16. emdfl Says:

    Ugly can sometimes be cured, but stupid is forever.

  17. Hartley Says:

    Yeah, not much hope of changing HER opinion on ANYTHING – she knows all and accepts no criticism.

    But – there is a vanishingly small chance that continuously engaging these nitwits in their own lairs may cause one of their readers to say “hmm – he might have a point..” Small chance, I’m sure, but worth a few keystrokes, IMHO – AND – it helps keep one sharp on the facts (and what the latest BS is).

  18. ATLien Says:

    Just another person to go on the list.

  19. thirdpower Says:

    This is the same ‘lawyer’ who thinks that the pro-rights side is, as she put it, ‘getting their butts kicked in court’.

    After she closes comments , she puts up another saying how stupid we all are.

    I feel sorry for her clients.

  20. SayUncle Says:

    She clearly has a lack of logical functioning.

  21. mike w. Says:

    Not just logical functioning, but a total lack of cognitive ability.

    I engaged her before, and unsurprisingly she banned me. I’ve never seen anyone so fiercly and willfully ignorant. You can stuff her lies right back in her face with cited historical evidence and case law and she’s unphased.

    I’m continually surprised that someone can be so completely disconnected from reality and still be a functioning member of society.

  22. Sigivald Says:

    Pity her comments are closed, or I’d remind her that if Mr. “No paperwork, nothing,” Allerd is selling guns for a living (or as a business even secondarily), he has to be a licensed dealer and he has to run paperwork on people.

    And if he ain’t doing it as a business, he ain’t selling AKs by the case-lot.

    (But to clarify what Moriarty said, there’s no Federal limit on the number of guns one can buy or sell; I could sell my personal collection [25-odd firearms?] to someone in one swoop and I wouldn’t be a dealer, just someone selling his collection.

    And I can legally buy a gun dealer’s entire stock, and I’m in the clear as long as I’m not re-selling them and thus becoming a dealer myself.

    Admittedly, it would be awkward to explain the latter case to BATFE when they wondered why you just bought so many duplicate offerings (something that, admittedly, legitimate collectors and non-dealers don’t do real often), but it’s not illegal, and they couldn’t do much of anything other than warn you sternly that selling them off might look a lot like being a gun dealer without a license unless you’re careful (“hint, hint”).

  23. B Smith Says:

    Um, to my knowledge, AK variants don’t HAVE a folding bayonet…that belongs on the SKS. All AK’s and clones I’ve seen, even Chinese ones, have a removable blade-type bayonet.

  24. B Smith Says:

    BTW: Can anyone tell me if the Airsoft version’s bayonet actually folds out? Just curious.

  25. Standard Mischief Says:

    she may be stuck on stupid, but I’d like a crack at the silent majority that might hit her page and fail to see any opposing viewpoints.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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