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Funny stuff:

Rightwing Terrorism apparently consists of standing around in a quasi-orderly fashion, waving signs, chatting with neighbors, picking up trash, walking back to the car, and going home.

And you protest because you’re a racist, of course.

21 Responses to “Terrorists”

  1. Sean Braisted Says:

    Do Conservatives not understand that there are rightwing extremist groups out there? Or do they think groups like White Nationalists aren’t “rightwing”?

  2. SayUncle Says:

    Do Liberals not understand that folks at Tea Parties are not those?

    And White Nationalists are not necessarily right wing nor left wing.

  3. Sebastian-PGP Says:

    I pick up trash and own lots of guns. Apparently I’m a rightwing nationalist…who wrote his senior philosophy seminar paper on Malcolm X, who supports gay marriage, the end of the petroleum economy, and abortion rights.

    I must be one of them new fangled rightwing nationalist terrorist types.

    I think both sides of this issue are silly…there were plenty of tea partiers who walked around with Obammy=Hitler signs and I even saw one griping about a Kenyan taking his money away…so let’s not pretend that there aren’t any fring-ish elements to the tea party thing.

    But it’s not any less silly to pretend that you can form gross generalizations about any such political movement…anymore than you can say a protest against the Iraq war must have a whole bunch of America hatin commies.

  4. HTownTejas Says:

    That racism charge is nuts, and disproved with any video of the parties. Here in Houston it was a racially, religiously, and sexually diverse crowd. The common denominator was rage at having our liberties and our earnings taken from us. Maybe Obama (and W, and Clinton, etc) really are bringing the nation together!

  5. Sean Braisted Says:


    No, generally speaking white nationalists are rightwing. As for the crowds, I don’t know that anyone other than the people attending were calling them “terrorists”.

  6. SayUncle Says:


  7. Sean Braisted Says:


  8. JKB Says:

    Really… you call these protests? Where is the wanton destruction of private property, the shouts of profanity and the phalanx of police in riot gear deploying tasers and pepper spray. I mean come on, these people brought their toddlers…to a protest. Even the kids weren’t acting out.

    It’s almost like some law-abiding citizens took time off from work to peaceably assemble and politely show their unhappiness with the current state of affairs in an orderly adult fashion.

  9. Matt Groom Says:

    To Sean Braisted:

    It is a fact that people who seek to establish class distinctions based on arbitrary factors, such as race, religion, or income, are Socialists. Socialism is a decidedly Left-wing phenomenon. People who seek to establish any kind of ruling class based on those arbitrary factors are Statists, since they seek to create an oligarchy. Oligarchies are the converse of Democratic-Republics, even though many Oligarchies describe themselves as Republics, such as the PRC.

    Ergo, to support a ruling class based on race, i.e. to be a racist, is to be left-wing by definition if not intention.

  10. Manish Says:

    And you protest because you’re a racist, of course.

    what about this guy

  11. Manish Says:

    It is a fact that people who seek to establish class distinctions based on arbitrary factors, such as race, religion, or income, are Socialists.

    Are you even aware at the irony of this sentence.

  12. SayUncle Says:

    what about this guy

    What about him? I even put on my racism detecting goggles and came up blank.

  13. Chas Says:

    Markie Marxist sez: “And breathing! Don’t forget breathing! They breathe! It’s one of the things that we Marxists find most offensive about people on the right.”

  14. JKB Says:

    what about this guy

    While I’ll admit the slogan was ill advised, could you please provide some argument as to how the statement is based on racial intolerance or demonstrates the holder is discriminatory or holds a prejudiced belief that one race is superior to others, i.e., racist?

    The statement simply implies the holder believes that Obama is seeking to deny civil rights to a group based on race. It says nothing about the holder’s opinion regarding the equality, his intolerance or prejudices based on race.

  15. anon Says:

    “white nationalists are rightwing”

    Nonsense. White nationalists call themselves nazis. ‘Nazi’ is shorthand for National SOCIALIST (in the German). The Nazis were (and are) LEFTISTS. The only people the Nazis were ‘right’ of were the commies. Of course, far be it from any leftist to recognize or acknowledge such obvious truths…

    I think we’ll see even more emotionally strained behavior from leftists/liberals with the Obamafraud in office than we saw with Bush. Just look at the situation: Everything Bush did ‘wrong’ (according to the lefties), Obama is doing more of. Spending, pork, domestic spying, ignoring the 4th, pissing off the Euros, $100 steaks (oooh how very ‘populist’), et al. The man has already back-peddled on or outright broken every single one of his campaign promises.

    Imagine how it must feel to be a lefty right now: Obama has been in office 3 months, and the ONE decent thing he’s done, the ONE correct decision he’s made, resulted in 3 shots, 3 kills, of poor African ‘victims of society’.

    Oh the delicious irony!

  16. Tam Says:

    Presented without editorial comment.

  17. tgirsch Says:

    Don’t worry, left-wingers are terrorists, too!

  18. Tam Says:


    Does it hurt to be that disingenuous? Yeah, I read that report back when it came out (which was after the “Project Megiddo” report of 1999, since we’re playing “I-Know-You-Are-But-What-Am-I?“)

    I mean, seeing as how the “left-wingers” in the report in question were actually, you know, specific named organizations that were torching SUV dealerships, burning down under-construction McMansions, vandalizing labs, et cetera, and not just vaguely-defined “people who felt disaffected because they’d voted for the wrong party”.

  19. mike w. Says:

    Anon – Sadly many liberals see fascism as a “right-wing” phenomenom when it has more in common with the leftist ideals of socialism than anything else.

    See Mussolini.

  20. mike w. Says:

    As Tam noted – the report on the left-wingers had specifics. You know, those pesky, evil things called facts? This report on right-wing extremism not so much.

  21. Matt Groom Says:

    “Are you even aware at the irony of this sentence.”

    No, Manish. Explain it to me. Or was that intended to be somekind of agreement? I can’t tell, since it’s not a question, or a statement.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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