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Messing with Texas

Governor reminds folks Texas can leave the union.

I think that makes him a terrorist.

6 Responses to “Messing with Texas”

  1. Hypnagogue Says:

    Secession is a political nuke: it’s pretty much useless during negotiations, but it’s still nice to drop a mention — casually, irrelevantly, like pointing out a rare butterfly — just so they remember the consequences of failed negotiations.

    I rather thought his phrasing sounded like good cop, bad cop. “Hey, we all know what these crazy Texans will do if I have to let them off the leash, so remember that I’m the guy you want to do business with.”

  2. Mikee Says:

    We also get to have ships representing the state of Texas take precedence in flotillas or reviews, as seen by the Texas yacht anchored closest to the Statue of Liberty during the July 4, 1976, fireworks display in New York. Haven’t seen or noted any such use of that particular item since then.

    There may be other interesting items in the joining of the Republic of Texas to the US, but these two are the only ones I know about.

  3. chrisb Says:

    There is no right of secession for Texas. That is a complete myth.

    I don’t think Governor Perry was speaking towards that either. He was probably talking about revisiting some ideas from the 1860s.

  4. Matt Groom Says:

    Every state has the implied right to secede. Read the Declaration of Independence, which is a de facto example of early case law. After the War Between the States (which was not, by any definition a “Civil War”) Jefferson Davis was put on house arrest and never tired, and then after two years, he was released, because he had committed no crime and if he was put on trial, it may have been ruled that Secession was legal and the actions of the Lincoln administration were not.

    Forced conscription into a Union is contrary to the very notion of Democracy. The idea that under no circumstances do people have a right to declare independence from a nation or a nation’s government is a concept which undermines the very notion of all we hold sacred as Americans and of course, the founding of America itself.

  5. Sebastian Says:

    ChrisB is correct. It’s a myth that Texas has any special right of secession that other states do not have. However, I’m glad Rick Perry alluded to it. As Hypnagouge mentioned, it’s good that people understand “just so they remember the consequences of failed negotiations.” States entered the union with their sovereignty in tact, and although I believe secession to be an act of rebellion against the United States, I wouldn’t argue all rebellions are bad.

  6. Phelps Says:

    In the negotiation world, that is known as the “Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement”. (BATNA)

    He’s making it clear. Texas isn’t going to lay down if we can’t come to an agreement.

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