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While we’re annoying PETA

Spokane parks to detonate squirrels.

Using the Rodenator that we talked about once.

10 Responses to “While we’re annoying PETA”

  1. Sebastian-PGP Says:

    I’ve had pretty good luck with a couple lab mixes…particularly the APBT/lab mix…keeps squirrels clear.

  2. ben Says:

    Right, and then they show a picture of a cute little tree squirrel. Why don’t they show the little ground squirrel bastards that are going to be blown up instead?

  3. Kevin S Says:

    Fuel-air squirrel bombs… I love America!

  4. Phenicks Says:

    You got it Ben, ground squirrels are more related to prairie dogs and chipmunks then tree squirrels. Here’s a money making Idea for the city, close the park for a week and allow hunters to pay to shoot the buggers. Win-win for everyone. 😉

  5. Phelps Says:

    PETA decided to do a “demonstration” to save baby seals in Warcraft last week too.

    They were mercilessly griefed by hordies, had every seal in teh entire zone slaughtered, and were surrounded by giant platters of roast pig.

    Fun fun fun.

  6. Chas Says:

    I made some modifications to another version of the article to improve its entertainment value:

    WASHINGTON D.C. — Washington is having a problem with too many Congresspersons at the Capitol.
    So the Parks and Recreation department is going to use a special machine to detonate some of the 100 to 150 Congresspersons that are tearing up the grounds.
    The machine is called the Rodenator Pro. It pumps propane and oxygen into the halls of Congress, then sends an electric spark that causes an explosion. The shock waves kill the Congresspersons and collapse their offices.
    The parks department says the Rodenator is a humane way to kill the Congresspersons. But it warns area residents that the explosions sound like gun shots, and to not be alarmed by them all week.

  7. TheTarquin Says:

    As a Spokane resident, this pisses me off. How could they go around blowing up perfectly good squirrels like that? It’s unconscionable!

    Really, I have a Marlin Model 60 and a free weekend coming up. They should let ME take care of it for them!

  8. B Smith Says:

    Tarquin: It’s a matter of efficiency…kills ’em and cooks ’em at the same time !!!

  9. Michael Hawkins Says:

    And it emulates the final scene of Neil Stephensons novel “Cryptonomicon”, except with rodent guts en lieu of bars of gold.

  10. GlenStef Says:

    Can i get a one small photo from your blog?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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