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Savagely stupid

I’ve never listened to Michael Savage. But apparently the right wing loon went on a tirade about banning weapons that look like assault weapons. JPFO sets him straight. Now, maybe he can get back to hating Muslims and making fun of autistic kids.

4 Responses to “Savagely stupid”

  1. Yosemite Sam Says:

    I’ve listened to him a few times because his ranting is so OTT that it is actually funny. I’ve always suspected though that he is really a Leftist and is doing a caricature of conservative positions.

  2. Matt Groom Says:

    Okay. Micheal Savage lives in San Francisco. Nuff said.
    But wait, there’s more! I read his book “Savage Nation” because it was given to me as a gift by my well meaning by left of center mother. I read this whole trite piece of tripe cover to cover and saw no references to inherent rights or a single pro-self defense statement of any kind.

    In his rant, he writes:
    “If the government wants to take your rights away or imprison you for whatever reason, your owning an assault rifle is not going to stop it.”
    Well then! I guess we should just give up and start taking it rectally without lube because there’s no reason to resist. No point fighting! Let’s just give up.

    Micheal Savage is an idiot, and apparently a coward to boot.

  3. Dan Says:

    I listen to him frequently (a la podcast) because he is the most entertaining guy in talk radio. Plus he frequently puts his money where his mouth is in terms of sticking up for our military, such as with the false persecution of our marines by scumbags such as Murtha.

    I have the suspicion that he is still a closet lib, like he was when he was hanging out with allen ginsburg and smoking pot.

    But to be fair on him, he has more so than not defended the rights to bear arms, although the 2nd is not his thing and he does not go into it that often. The article is more displaying his ignorance on the subtlety of ‘assault rifles’ than anything else. i.e. if you can find his show directly after the Heller ruling.

  4. straightarrow Says:

    Savage is not a right wing loon, he’s just your garden variety every day loon.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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