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ZOMG!! Lawful activity

20/20 feels the need to go undercover to engage in lawful commerce. Seems they sent a reporter to a gun show with money. And he could exchange that money for goods. It’s like there was capitalism going on or something. And, gasp, it was lawful.

Seems the guy bought ten guns in an hour with $5K. A good start, no doubt.

Heh: I bought 12 cans of beer in 30 seconds, what the big deal?

14 Responses to “ZOMG!! Lawful activity”

  1. Tam Says:

    *grumble* I wish they’d sent me to a gun show with $5k. */grumble*

  2. Chas Says:

    Markie Marxist sez: “My fellow Marxists at America’s Broadcasting Communists share my Marxist revulsion towards private enterprise and private gun ownership.”

  3. AntiCitizenOne Says:

    Unless there really are some sneaky-ass underhanded twits out there, the background check really shouldn’t take that long…the reporter looks to have nothing on him, when I got my HK45C the background check went through NCIS rather quickly…

    making a sh1thill out of nothing…

  4. SoupOrMan Says:

    Of course, this poor reporter will now have to be responsible for those firearms. Wait, who are we kidding? He’ll take them over to the guns-for-giftcards exchange and lose his investment in the name of “peace and ending gun violence” or some crap.

    Dear ABC, send me five grand for guns plzkthxbye

  5. thirdpower Says:

    He went w/ an ATF agent who claims that sawed-off shotguns are now the ‘weapon of choice’ for gang-bangers. Then they turned in the guns to the police.

    At least they mentioned Cho didn’t get his from a show. Albeit though it was on the 3rd page.

  6. drstrangegun Says:

    It’s not a loophole if it’s EXPLICITLY written into state law.

  7. flashman Says:

    60 Minutes is doing a piece on Sunday. VCDL president Phil Van Cleeve is intervied and escorts Leslie Stahl around a gun show in Richmond. Can’t wait to see what CBS does with it.

  8. J Richardson Says:

    I must be a real cheapskate. I’d feel cheated if I only could get 10 firearms for $5000. Must be the cruffler in me. I still miss those 3 for $88 Finnish Moisan-Nagant 39’s. With 5 grand, I could have outfitted a whole Finnish Army company!

  9. Madrocketscientist Says:

    Ah, he had an ATF agent with him, that is how he avoided getting a visit from a concerned ATF agent when he bought 10 guns in one day.

  10. David H. Says:

    Tam: exactly my thought, too. I think the gun nut response should be to send them a gazillion emails volunteering to conduct similar “stings” around the country.

    I, for example, am perfectly willing to perform an undercover investigation to verify that all of my local dealers are acting in accordance with state and federal law. Twenty thousand dollars should be plenty. ABC, call me!

  11. greg Says:

    i will take 19,99.00

  12. dusty Says:

    You could buy 10 politicians in an hour with $50,000.
    We’ll never see a 20/20 segment on that.

  13. RAH Says:

    Damn I wish they gave me the 5k. Can you imagine the sellers laughing on the way to the bank. He had so much money there was no bargaining. The dealers inside lost out on a buyer who was a fool with money.

    I could have got more guns with $5 k as a lot of guns are not worth $500.

  14. AJ187 Says:

    Way to prop up the victims of national tragedies to support your bias abc.

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