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As I type this, Al Gore is dumping some Global Warming on us. In April.

19 Responses to “Snow”

  1. Sebastian-PGP Says:

    It’s unseasonably cold here too. Not bitching too much…as in about three weeks it’ll be 85* and 95% humidity and we’ll be missing it.

  2. tgirsch Says:

    Am I going to have to pull out the 13-year-old quotes about how global warming actually predicts funky localized weather patterns again?

  3. SayUncle Says:

    You could but I’d still mock it.

  4. Standard Mischief Says:

    Odd, I was just reading about this in another blog.

    A few years ago on a post (here), I was talking about the correlation (which never equals causation) of the sunspots and higher heat output from the sun.

    Now comes the news that we’re at a oddly low sunspot cycle. Hmm.

    But we’re going to have those spiraling-out-of-control death-to-all killer weather incidents. Just wait.

  5. Sebastian-PGP Says:

    Mocking Al Gore is almost as easy as mocking people who still don’t understand the difference between climate and weather. 🙂

  6. Manish Says:

    So here’s a question I still have never gotten answered..

    I’m being asked to believe one of two conspiracy theories:

    1)That over 90% of all scientists believe in global warming because they hate progress and want to put the brakes on it or something.

    2)A small minority of industry-funded scientists don’t believe in global warming because they are industry-funded.

    Seriously, who in their right mind would believe the first theory over the second?

  7. Sebastian-PGP Says:

    I dunno…I’ve always thought that rather than hash out a bunch of technical arguments about climate modeling and albedo effects and solar forcing…isn’t the ultimate stake in the heart of climate change denialism the very obvious fact that it’s UTTERLY preposterous to suggest that the propeller-head nerds who work in the sciences could actually coordinate and maintain a global conspiracy that would be required if AGW actually was a hoax.

    In other words…007 these guys ain’t. They’re smart, educated, and dedicated to their methods, but a black helicopter conspiracy isn’t their forte most likely.

  8. Dan Says:

    If science is not going to persuade the hoaxers that al-gore type global warming is a giant, ugly fraud, I wonder what will.

    I will be convinced when the weather man gets it 100% right for the next 5 years starting tomorrow.

  9. Nick Says:

    “2)A small minority of industry-funded scientists don’t believe in global warming because they are industry-funded.
    Seriously, who in their right mind would believe the first theory over the second?”

    3) Industry-funded scientists who publish anti-global warming studies find it easier to get research funding from industry than institutions where the chairs of departments who are in the 90% and who don’t like to be told their prior research is wrong determine funding.

    I won’t presuppose that the folks in conspiracy theory 2 are correct, but just because they are in the minority and they may appear to have conflicted interests does not mean we need presuppose that they are wrong.

    It shouldn’t be “who in their right mind would believe the first theory over the second?” It should be who in their right mind would believe either conspiracy theory? Perhaps there need be a third conspiracy theory. Or a fourth. Or perhaps none at all.

  10. Xrlq Says:

    Manish, I’d be more inclined to ask why anyone would care what 90% of all scientists think about global warming. I don’t know what percentage of scientists actually study climate change, but I’m pretty sure that figure is a tad shy of 90%.

  11. Sebastian-PGP Says:

    Dan is case in point…seeing as the weather man getting the weather right would precisely jackfucknothing to do with climate.

    Xlrq et al:

    All these organizations agree that GW is real and a human induced phenomenon.

    * Academia Brasiliera de Ciências (Bazil)
    * Royal Society of Canada
    * Chinese Academy of Sciences
    * Academié des Sciences (France)
    * Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina (Germany)
    * Indian National Science Academy
    * Accademia dei Lincei (Italy)
    * Science Council of Japan
    * Russian Academy of Sciences
    * Royal Society (United Kingdom)
    * National Academy of Sciences (United States of America)
    * Australian Academy of Sciences
    * Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Sciences and the Arts
    * Caribbean Academy of Sciences
    * Indonesian Academy of Sciences
    * Royal Irish Academy
    * Academy of Sciences Malaysia
    * Academy Council of the Royal Society of New Zealand
    * Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

    * NASA’s Goddard Institute of Space Studies (GISS)

    * National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
    * National Academy of Sciences (NAS)
    * State of the Canadian Cryosphere (SOCC)
    * Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
    * Royal Society of the United Kingdom (RS)
    * American Geophysical Union (AGU)
    * American Institute of Physics (AIP)
    * National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
    * American Meteorological Society (AMS)
    * Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS)

    If they’re getting wrong, where’s the counter evidence, revolts by members of those organizations replete with peer reviewable publications, data, and analysis?

  12. deadcenter Says:

    I don’t see it as a conspiracy, but it’s best to remember that all researchers are dependent on funding and all are funded by industry. Some by private industry and some by the industry that has become the National Science Foundation. There was a time when getting funding depended more on an well written proposal that add to the body of knowledge. These days, the way to get funding is fear, either promoting it or dispelling it.

  13. Dan Says:

    Sorry sebastian, tell your side to quit crying about extreme weather/temperature being attributable to global warming (ala Hurricane Katrina) and I will do my best not to embarrass the hoaxers with simple logic.

  14. Xrlq Says:

    Sebastian-PGP, you didn’t answer my objection. How many of *those* organizations specialize in climate study, vs. how many are playing the “we’re scientists and you’re not, nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah” card? Even if they were all specialists in the applicable field, the fact that they believe X is not itself evidence of X. It could just as easily be evidence of groupthink.

  15. Sebastian-PGP Says:

    The funding canard is teh height of teh stoopid. There’s plenty of money in high carbon output industry coffers and they spend tons of money on advocacy and propaganda. If the coal companies and XOM have stopping funding denialist agitprop and admitted that AGW is real…you probably have to understand why nobody else is in a big hurry to throw money at people who aren’t producing much science. You don’t just show up and say “hey I wanna do some science, gimme some money.” You have to submit work and writing and a CV and analyses you’ve done….and the reality is not a single scientist worth his salt is willing to submit for peer review a doc challenging the AGW central tenets or IPCC4. You wouldn’t get much funding if you were doing work that said dinosaurs and humans cohabitated, that the earth was 6000 years old, and that evolutionary theory was an evil secularist creation and all the biodiversity on earth is the result of the hand of the Big Sky Daddy.

    Why has not ONE person submitted even one publication for peer review challenging the AGW hypothesis? If you could show real cracks in the AGW consensus, it would be the scientific coup of the millenium. It would be like showing that germ theory of disease is false or that HIV doesn’t cause AIDS…you’d be Einstein and Jonas Salk rolled into one.

    The side that needs quit whining is yours Dannyboy. You guys haven’t submitted even ONE document for peer review with data and analysis that contradicts AGW. That the oceans and atmosphere contain more kinetic energy will eventually lead to more dramatic storm systems isn’t even a remotely difficult concept to master…but that it obviously escapes you comes as news to very few, I’m sure.

    I love it when bus drivers, airline pilots, garbage men, and IT nerds presume to tell scientists their own business. You wouldn’t tolerate them telling you how to do your job.

  16. Nick Says:

    “There’s plenty of money in high carbon output industry coffers and they spend tons of money on advocacy and propaganda.”

    Read as “Research funding for anti-agw is easier to obtain from XOM than from GE’s CFB manufacturing branch.”

    “I love it when bus drivers, airline pilots, garbage men, and IT nerds presume to tell scientists their own business. You wouldn’t tolerate them telling you how to do your job.”
    FYI, I leave climate to climatologists (although lately I don’t feel I can leave weather to weather men). I know next to nothing about our planet’s climate. All I can do is use what I learned earning a degree in economics to understand from where incentives derive. So when I comment (and I can’t speak for others) on AGW/climate change/etc., the only arena in which I have some ability to debate intelligently is in the arena of economic motivation (i.e. incentives).

    Everyone needs to quit whining.

  17. Dan Says:

    So Sebastian, when did you become a scientist? During this whole thread, you have been whining about non-scientists telling scientists what to think, yet, there are no non-scientists telling scientists what to think here. When did I go around telling scientists what to think?

    Since you are playing scientist, I am sure you would not mind telling me how we can differentiate natural climate change versus hoax climate change? Or what the ‘standard’ climate is?

  18. Andrew Says:

    Sebastian, LGF appears to be a more appropriate forum for your kind of thinking, vis-a-vis Big Sky Daddy.

    And I used to enjoy LGF.

  19. straightarrow Says:

    Man caused global warming is a hoax. Nothing more need be said. But I will anyway. Haven’t you noticed it is no longer called global warming, but is now “climate change”.

    Give you one guess why.

    Nope, the coming Ice Age, is why. That’s right. The majority of climatologists either deny man caused global warming or say the theory is far from being proven. More that 1000 of them have presented their findings to the UN but it hasn’t played much in the media. However global warming is going die as a viable separator of fools from the monies, just as surely as did the “hole in the Ozone Layer”. Anybody remember that impending doom? By now we should all be dead of skin cancer. Remember???? Of course what actually happened is real science actually overwhelmed the fraud and we don’t here much about the hole in the Ozone Layer, do we? Same thing is going to happen with Global Warming.

    Why? Because the evidence says the earth is in a cooling phase and has been for a while now. The Ross Ice Shelf is thicker than at any other time since records have been kept. The Arctic ice pack grew this last season at a rate 30% faster than in years past, the average global temperature has been trending down for several years. Real science is going to overwhelm this fraud too. But not to fear!! Fear not, we have plenty of fear left to drive fear.

    Yep, that’s right. The coming Ice Age. The defrauders are all set to start the new scam just as soon as they have milked all they can from this one. Can’t run both scams at the same time because they are both aimed at the same marks.

    But don’t fear lack of fear because amazingly we shall all be so fearful of freezing to death that the cure for the ICE AGE will be the same as the cure for Al Gore’s Global Warming. Increased governmental control and interference, Calorie Credits for underproducers of carbon emissions and treaties destroying whole economies. So hey, It’s all good.

    Now, I know a bunch, if not all, of you are going to ridicule me. Will be certain to think I am certifiably insane, and some of you may decide to hate me because not buying into these scams is akin to denying the Holocaust.

    Go ahead. Just remember, when it happens, just fucking remember who told it was going to.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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