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On Polls

Were you called?

4 Responses to “On Polls”

  1. Huck Says:

    I’m 53 and I’ve NEVER been polled by either phone, e-mail, or mail. Nor have I ever known anyone who has been polled. My conclusion is that these so called “polls” that the media claims to do so many of are made up by them. In a nutshell, they’re bullshit!

  2. Alcibiades Says:

    I bet they took advantage of the free signup period…

  3. Bitter Says:

    I’ve been called now that I live in a swing state and have a land line. There is a lot of interest in the local state representative seat because we’ve gotten regular polls on that race (in November) and potential race (next year).

  4. Lyle Says:

    Nope. Haven’t been called by a pollster for over 12 years.

    You could get 100 of your friends to join the VPC, then poll all of them and get a 100% pro 2A response from a sampling of 100 VPC members. Hey, it ain’t lying.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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