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Alert system fail

Campus police alert students of a possible gunman on campus. 80 minutes after the first reports. Good thing it wasn’t a real shooting.

3 Responses to “Alert system fail”

  1. _Jon Says:

    “State law bans the possession of both firearms and imitation firearms on the grounds of all educational institutions, including colleges and universities, without the written authorization of the governing officer of the institution.”
    — That’s criminal right there….

  2. Ron W Says:

    Right Jon,

    And how are those campus gun-free zones enforced? Oh, by guns, of course!

    “Governing officers” making sure that criminals and mass-murderers have unarmed victims…since criminals, by definiton ignore their “gun-free” laws.

    I think this makes the “governing officers” criminal accomplices.

  3. Mikee Says:

    I picked my son up from Texas A&M University at 6pm last Friday afternoon. As I walked from the parking area to his dorm I saw lots of college kids going about their Friday afternoon activities outdoors. I entered his dorm (helpfully opened to me, an obvious non-student and complete stranger, by the first person to happen by) and got to his room. As he got ready to leave, his roomie told us there was a campuswide “man with gun” alert going on, according to the email he had just read. I asked them what they thought about it, and both immediately said it was most likely another false alarm. Niether young man felt the least concern about the alert, and both dismissed the notification as useless.

    I can only imagine that the same thing happening at midnight would garner even less attention and be treated even more disdainfully.

    Just because you have an alarm system on campus, it neither protects you from actual harm nor tells you the nature of the threat that might be there.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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