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Porn in the USA

I like my AR but not that much.

More red states in top ten list of online porn users. Guav alleges hypocrisy. I don’t really see that. If we were entirely peopled with folks trying to ban porn, then maybe. But we’re not. Also, from the study, the measure is credit card receipts from major adult entertainment sites. Seriously. People still pay for online porn? It’s free. And, I read somewhere once, you’re always three clicks away from porn on the internets. I’m guess folks in the blue states are more likely to know that.

9 Responses to “Porn in the USA”

  1. You don't wanna know Says:

    If it wasn’t for porn, I would have started killing socialists a long time ago….

  2. Dave R. Says:

    There’s a problem the study didn’t control for. Take Salt Lake City as an example, possibly not an easy place to get a lap dance or find a 24-hour porn store. In the absence of storefronts, consumers in such a city or state are more likely to turn to the internet, but that doesn’t mean there are more such consumers than in other states. Nor does it mean the people purchasing online porn are the same individuals going to church, voting Republican and zoning out adult businesses. It’s possible, but we can’t know one way or the other from state-level data.

  3. Captain Holly Says:

    Dave is correct: Utah law bans the sale and distribution of XXX pr0n. Plus Utah isn’t exclusively Mormon/Republican anyway; Obama pulled almost 40% of the vote here.

    After this came out a local station looked at where the top 5 zip codes for pr0n buying in Utah were and found that 4 of the 5 were in remote rural areas near large mining/oil drilling areas.

    The second-highest location for pr0n in Utah was the University of Utah and areas around it, which is probably the “Bluest” area of the entire state.

  4. Retardo Says:

    So… Is this supposed to prove that conservatives are wrong about fiscal restraint? The Second Amendment? The inadvisability of losing wars? Does it mean that “pro-life” conservatives (or anti-death, or anti-choice, pick yer favorite) are wrong about that?

    What the hell does this have to do with anything? Can’t these morons ever say anything meaningful about actual issues? WTF?

  5. Retardo Says:

    P.S. If I paid for the stuff, I’d be holding up our numbers in Maine. But it’s free, FFS!

    P.P.S. Maybe lefties just aren’t that interested in sex. God knows, at the rate they reproduce, maybe half of them are fixed.

  6. James Kliegel Says:

    Here is my analysis of the data:

    1) Any kind of perversion is readily available for free in Blue States.
    2) It is more difficult to practice perversion in Red States as they tend to frown on zoophilia, pedophilia, etc.
    3) The frustrated liberal minority in Red States are forced to focus their perversions into paid online porn.

    What? It is as valid an analysis as the one in the article.


  7. Guav Says:

    By the way, thanks for giving me permission to use that pic of you, Uncle, it took a lot of courage 🙂

  8. Billll Says:

    Here’s my theory:
    Demand for porn is universal.
    Conservatives are more likely to have jobs than liberals, hence have more disposable income.

    It’s not that conservatives are bigger perverts than liberals, it’s just that they can afford to indulge.

  9. redneck Says:

    the blue state girls are loose and the red state girls are not, so the red state guys pay for it online.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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