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Quote of the day

In comments, Stormy says:

The Republican Party: Standing on Principle When It Doesn’t Matter.

Probably get back on that whole smaller government kick too.

3 Responses to “Quote of the day”

  1. tgirsch Says:

    What do you mean get back on smaller government? They were never on it in the first place. Just exactly when have Republicans ever given smaller government anything other than lip service and the occasional token gesture?

  2. Dan Says:

    I’ll take the party that gets it right a little of the time over a party that never gets it right. At least the repubs have been on the right side of guns, free speech, and this spending bill.

  3. Steve Says:

    tgirsch, IIRC by the end of the Reagan administration the size of the federal government had shrunk relative to the GDP. Of course that’s not shrinkage on an absolute level, but a pretty good record nowadays.

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