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More on Mexico

Texas is drafting a plan to deal with Mexico’s potential collapse.

5 Responses to “More on Mexico”

  1. bwm Says:

    Now they need a plan for a USA collapse and they have all of their bases covered.

  2. Dock Says:

    No kidding. I have a plan too. Sounds something like this:

    “Yo tengo armas de fuego! No se puede! No trabajo aqui! Vamos!”

  3. Alcibiades Says:

    “the specter of thousands fleeing north in fear for their lives”

    How is that different from any other day?

  4. Huck Says:

    “Destabilization” in Mexico? When has Mexico ever been stable?

  5. Rabbit Says:

    Hell, I’ve been saying for years we should secede, become a Republic again- we’ve got the experience, and Texas won’t go bankrupt like last time- and build our own damned fence all the way around us. 8th largest GDP in the world, if compared with other nations. I think we’d do ok.

    I suppose if Mexico goes to ‘failed state’ status, we could always rent it for the grazing rights.


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