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Hope and Change

Obama taps another rabid anti-gunner.

3 Responses to “Hope and Change”

  1. Brutal Hugger Says:

    Meh, this doesn’t bother me the way Holder does. ONDCP is a terrible agency that makes a lot of terrible policy, but it’s not *gun* policy.

  2. Dan A. Says:

    Hardly suprising-O doesn’t really care about drug enforcement, so he can funnel the focus of this agency over to gun control. I think it’s just like expanding the ATFE into something much more than the original pretext-a tax collection agency.

  3. Huck Says:

    It seems like being a corrupt anti second ammendment communist is all you need to be to qualify for the Geek’s cabinent. Not surprising when you consider who’s making the appointments.

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