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Congress Quietly and Significantly Expands Bailout Inspector General’s Powers. They include the power to:

(A) carry a firearm while engaged in official duties as authorized under this Act or other statute

A firearm to regulate TARP money?

10 Responses to “Ninjafication”

  1. DirtCrashr Says:

    The Inspector General can force executives to take the money, and cap their salary because he’s Obama’s Court Jester.
    And it’s not a pistol, it’s a pestle – they must choose to drink from vessel with the pestle or chalice from the palace.
    The vessel with the pestle has the pellet with the poison, while chalice from the Palace has the kool-aid that is true!
    But they broke the chalice from the palace replaced it with a flagon – and switched the pellet with the poison to the flagon with the dragon…

  2. Chas Says:

    More proof that the anti-gunners aren’t anti-gun. They oppose PRIVATE gun ownership, not guns per se. They howl about guns, and then pass them out like candy – to their people.

  3. Sebastian Says:

    I’m going to guess that’s more to protect him from people who are pissed off that their tax dollars are going to bail out banks that made poor investment decisions, rather than bank CEOs. But who knows, maybe they are really pissed off about the salary caps.

  4. Mikee Says:

    I’d want to be legally armed if I was doing this job – there are some very not-nice people out there affected to millions of dollars by the actions of this guy. And Danny Kaye (great reference!) aside, since the DC local government has made it impossible for citizens to carry legally, at least somebody with a lick of sense passed this into federal law for their IG.

    Maybe the pro-self-defense groups can point to this as yet another example of the necessity for self defense, as recognized by the government, in the DC area!

  5. ka Says:

    Cool how the .gov trusts just about anyone who gets a paycheck from them with firearms. I wonder why?

  6. ParatrooperJJ Says:

    The IG Act granted most federal IG departments statutory law enforcement authority. It is not a new thing nor is it abnormal.

  7. JKB Says:

    Sounds prudent to me. Ordinary criminals accept investigations as a cost of doing business. They may pull a gun but they don’t track investigators down.

    Politicians, cops, and important politically connected types will send someone to your house if start looking into their questionable activity. Protecting their illusion of respectability is paramount. Not to mention, there are billions involved here.

  8. Tom Says:

    Goody, new “reasoned discourse” moderation, or is that just for myself and other undesirables?

    It should be abnormal. How different are hundreds of thousands of federal employees with guns from a standing army? Who gave the feds power to created countless agencies and arm them all to carry out their “duties” that are well outside the scope of the limited powers given to the feds?

    If you’re not outraged you’re not paying attention.

  9. SayUncle Says:

    Goody, new “reasoned discourse” moderation, or is that just for myself and other undesirables?

    Nope. Spam filter doesn’t like the word poker. First reaction that I’m out to silence you? Jebus.

  10. Robert Says:

    It IS abnormal for the rulers to be armed and the citizenry helpless.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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