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Guns for teachers

Local Blogger Rich Hailey has a piece in the local newspaper about teachers and guns.

Meanwhile, the teens weigh in. Of course, if folks thought teenagers’ decisions mattered, they’d be allowed to enter into contracts.

5 Responses to “Guns for teachers”

  1. BobG Says:

    What is sad is that I hear too many adults who mouth the same meaningless babble as this bunch of children.

  2. Huck Says:

    “What is sad is that I hear too many adults who mouth the same meaningless babble as this bunch of children.”

    They’re called “liberals”.

  3. Uzziel Says:

    The fine recruits for Obama-llama-ding-dong’s national volunteer brigades speak out; I wonder which of these soph-morons will be prying open our doors for our guns.

    Whatever’s clever – more cannon fodder for me!


  4. straightarrow Says:

    When I was in school, a great many students took their guns to school, either so they could hunt on the way to or the way from. We never thought about teachers carrying guns. Just never occurred to us.

    Of course, teachers behaved a lot differently then. I guess in my time, I would have been oppposed to teachers carrying guns if today’s situations applied. I mean, the pretty ones wouldn’t have needed them to have sex with me, and the ugly ones would have an advantage I wouldn’t want them to have.

    But barring the fantasy of the above, well not all of the fantasies, some of my teachers were hot. NOt interested, but hot. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of them were armed and just quiet about it. It was no big damn deal. And more than a few of them were willing to mix it up if the situation called for it. No cops, no lawyers, just an ass-whipping and maybe an expulsion.

    I do believe we were a hardier people then, than now. Of course, many of those teachers were combat veterans or wives of combat veterans who rationed necessaries, raised gardens, hunted to supplement the pantry and prayed their husbands would return. They were afraid of life, they were afraid of not earning the right to keep it.

  5. straightarrow Says:

    Should have read they weren’t afraid of life.

    Damn cheap “Blue light Special” fingers.

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