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In Nebraska, cities can’t pass stricter gun laws than the state.

4 Responses to “Preemption”

  1. Skullz Says:

    yeah.. the cities will break the law anyway. PA has had preemption for years and even has case law supporting it. Didn’t stop Philly, Allentown, Reading, Pittsburgh, and a few others from breaking the law…..

  2. JoeMerchant24 Says:

    Sadly, this does little to help. Unless the AGs decision convinces the remaining towns to drop their CCW ban, it will take an arrest and court case to decide.

    Plus, this decision has convicned Sen. mark Christensen to not introduce legislation making pre-emption the law.

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  3. JWilliams Says:

    We have that law in Washington state – its not stopping teh Seattle mayor from prohibiting carrying on city property…

  4. bwm Says:

    I live in Omaha, NE so this is welcome news. I’ve had a permit since they became available and have never thought twice about carrying in the city, although I know Omaha and Lincoln were against the CCW and initially claimed they would continue to enforce their laws against it.

    BTW, no blood in the streets to report here.

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