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NRA on Holder

They’ve written a letter expressing their concerns. Which is odd. After all, I read on the internets they weren’t doing anything.

6 Responses to “NRA on Holder”

  1. straightarrow Says:

    I notice in the letter that NRA claims success for Project Exile in Richmond, Va. and Philadelphia,Pa., gun control legislation that NRA wrote and lobbied for.

    Project Exile has been an abject failure in both instances. Just an observation as to the self-serving nature of their analytical proclivities.

    I am glad that they finally spoke about Holder’s nomination. But their response is rather tepid and way late. Where was the call for the membership to inundate their senators with their opposition to Holder? Where was the sustained effort to dislodge this abomination from the moment of his selection? Where was the call for the membership to make their displeasure and subsequent reaction at future elections should this nomination succeed?

    Sorry, but for me, this doesn’t get them a pass. This was a wink and a nod. Sort of their way of saying “Hey look, we must do this to appease some of our membership and continue in power here. Pay it no mind. We stand ready to cooperate with you.”

    I know a great many of you will dismiss what I have just said. Just wait until after Holder is confirmed and see how much they do cooperate. Then you can really be angry with me seeing it early.

  2. Kurt "45superman" Hofmann Says:

    After all, I read on the internets they weren’t doing anything.

    And I’ve read in several places on the internet that the NRA was entirely correct to sit on their hands. Now that they’ve (sorta) gotten involved, is that entirely correct, too?

  3. Tam Says:

    Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here! This is the War Room!

  4. Sebastian Says:

    It’s just a letter. They put little on the line doing that so it makes sense to do it. If you issue a membership alert, and don’t generate many phone calls from it, that’s going to have consequences on your options going forward with your opposition. Actually, the alert in and of itself I don’t think would blow that much political capital, but I also don’t think they can just go after Holder half-assed. If a membership alert isn’t followed on with lobbying, there’s not much point in doing it, and if you do follow up, then you’re in it for keeps.

  5. straightarrow Says:

    Oh hell! we wouldn’t want them in it for keeps. Horrors! That wouldn’t be easy.

  6. chris Says:

    Have you read the letter? It would have been better if they had stayed out, rather than sell out.

    Disclaimer, I’m a member, so I’m biased.

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