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Buying Guns

David Spade is donating $100K to the Phoenix police to buy guns: Spade said he wanted to make the donation after seeing a TV news report about Phoenix officers having to buy their own rifles.

6 Responses to “Buying Guns”

  1. ZerCool Says:

    I have to buy my own guns… can I get a couple grand? 🙂

    Nice gesture from Mr. Spade, and very against the grain of Hollywood. Excellent.

  2. Robert Says:

    2K a rifle? Hmmmmm. He’s not shopping where I shop.

  3. David Rittgers Says:

    My post on the topic

  4. Jay G. Says:

    This story would be 10X better if Spade actually bought a couple dozen Bushmasters and personally handed them out to each officer.

    Just sayin’ is all…

  5. Radar Man Says:

    I can now officially forgive him for “Joe Dirt.”

  6. chris Says:

    $50 says that he wouldnt approve of mere civilians owning the same rifles.

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