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Hain update

Gun-toting woman divides community

10 Responses to “Hain update”

  1. Tomcatshanger Says:

    I don’t understand, does people want Law Enforcement to disarm around children?

    Or do they believe private citizens are second class citizens, and Law Enforcement are 1st class citizens that are some how smarter, more responsible, and/or whose lives are more valuable?

    I can’t see a middle ground here. Disarm the police around kids, or disarm nobody around kids.

  2. Sailorcurt Says:

    There’s a poll.

    So far we’re winning 59.7% to 40.3%.

    Surely we can get it higher than that.

  3. Lornkanaga Says:

    I noticed that the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Ownership said semiautomatic weapons are made so that even young children can fire them.

    Sure they can, if you leave them out where a youngster can get to them. I was going to say that only an idiot would do that, but as I recall someone in the Brady Campaign did just that.

  4. bullbore Says:

    If DeLeo is an NRA member they should revoke his membership–he clearly does not support gun rights.

  5. Jay G. Says:

    Tis the season for record levels of PSH, methinks…

  6. chris Says:

    Open carry is a responsibility as a gun owner… you are responsible for an image of all gun owners… and when you meet people and you talk to them in a friendly manner, they see that you are not crazy…

    This lady has been a model of how all of us gunnies should act in public.

  7. Hartley Says:

    Hey – the good guys are up to 71% now..:-)

    PSH is right – both the doofus who wrote that article and the Judge they interviewed should be publicly humiliated for suggesting that a law-abiding citizen somehow endangers children by carrying.

  8. Mikee Says:

    An assertion is not proof. What proof is there that openly carrying a firearm around kids endangers them?

  9. Chas Says:

    “Gun-toting woman divides community”

    Markie Marxist sez: “Of course she’s divisive! Anyone who disagrees with our Marxist gun ban agenda is divisive! The only dissent that isn’t divisive is Marxist dissent.”

    “…the general feeling is that Hain’s pistol-packing behavior is, well, extreme.”

    – “Anyone who opposes our Marxist agenda is an extremist! At least we can call them that and then hope it sticks.”

    “…because of the safety and security issues involving [children] on the field.”

    – “Of course, there are no safety issues whatsoever when our de facto Marxist, government agents are armed, because we want people to believe that’s perfectly okay. Our semiautomatic ‘service revolvers’ don’t count! Though carried openly, they’re politically invisible! Ha! Ha!”

    “It’s an incredible risk to bring a loaded semi-automatic weapon to a children’s soccer game.”

    – “Not for our de facto Marxist, government agents! Risk is entirely dependent on where one’s paycheck comes from.”

    “No one disputes Hain’s right to own a gun.”

    – “Unfortunately, we can’t dispute that at this point, though we hope to get back to that issue in the future.”

    “You scared the devil out of some other people,” Eby said.”

    – “Of course, when we Marxists scare people, it’s just government business, so it’s perfectly okay. If one of our SWAT teams mistakenly breaks down your door at 3 a.m., that doesn’t count.”

    “…he didn’t think anyone needed gun protection at a 5-year-old’s soccer game.”

    – “We Marxists never think private citizens need gun protection! Anywhere!”

    “‘If you carry it open, you already lost the element of surprise,’ he said.”

    – “Hopefully, no one will point out that you gain the element of discouragement. We certainly don’t want our Marxist/warrior/hero/criminals to be discouraged. They’re supposed to be encouraged to prey on American capitalist society, not be discouraged from doing so.”

    “Moreover, it increases the change of accidental shootings, Vice of the Brady Center said. And a child could easily grab it.”

    – “My commie compadres at the Brady Center never say that about the guns of our de facto Marxist, government agents. That’s because the Brady Center is on our side. They’re such good communists!”

    “The last time she was in the store, a woman complained about the gun to a manager who asked Hain to leave.”

    – “Try that with one of protected, constituent groups and you’ll be on the wrong end of a civil rights lawsuit! However, gun owners are fair game. They have no rights as far as we’re concerned, and should be abused at every opportunity.”

    “Do you know how many crimes have taken place in Wal-Mart parking lots?”

    – “Yeah, our Marxist/warrior/hero/criminals do a great job of attacking capitalism on its own turf. Which of course, we do not allow as justification for private citizens to carry guns, because that can interfere with their proper victimization. We can’t have our Marxist/warrior/hero/criminals getting shot while they rip off capitalism and bring down America. That wouldn’t make any sense.”

  10. dave Says:

    Should read “Gun-toting woman divides community into pants-shitting retards and those with common sense.”

    From the article: “I said, ‘Kids are more in danger of falling off a piece of playground equipment or getting hit by a car in the parking lot than anybody coming and doing anything where you need a gun to defend yourself,’ ” Jones said.”

    Perhaps the students killed at Columbine, were they still alive, could offer some valid points on being prepared for something regardless of the unlikelihood of it happening.

    Also from the article: “Hain said the outcry has hurt her babysitting business and left her feeling isolated. She has been called an attention-seeker, psycho, moron and worse on hundreds of pages on Internet forums.”

    I guess someone forgot to inform me that internet forums are a vast resource of intelligent, well-reasoned, and well-informed opinion. Who knew?

    I hope many people learn from her example, and the shit-stains that harassed her get what they deserve.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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