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Ammo serialization

This stupid bill, perpetuated by lobbyists for the company that invented the technology, is making the rounds again. It’s pretty stupid, arbitrary, and difficult to enforce.

Fire a round, go to jail?

Also, if the bill passes, non-serialized ammo would have to be destroyed by 2011.

11 Responses to “Ammo serialization”

  1. ATLien Says:

    I know a great way to “destroy” the bullets right now….

  2. Blake Says:

    Even the stacks of 8mm Mauser ammo I have? Yeah right.

  3. Paul B Says:

    Like I’m going to comply with this. Lets just at the stroke of the pen make 35 million felons. That is such a GOOD idea. Makes it easier to take over, I guess. What a crock.

  4. karrde Says:

    So…do we want to have a million people march to Washington in protest, each with a package of mil-surp, non-serial-numbered ammo in hand?

    Would it make enforcement too publicly costly? Or would it be lining up for a trip to Club Fed?

  5. xmaddad1 Says:

    How about we give the non-serialized ammo to the company that developed the technology and their lobbyists if the bill passes.

  6. BobG Says:

    And how about the law enforcement community?

  7. Mafwoj Says:

    Frankly law enforcement is the only place (if anywhere) this should be forced to be used

  8. Standard Mischief Says:

    So…do we want to have a million people march to Washington in protest, each with a package of mil-surp, non-serial-numbered ammo in hand?

    That’s a felony in DC. No joke. Even having one spent round of .22LR is the same crime as carrying a concealed firearm.

  9. Number9 Says:

    Brilliant plan. Don’t outlaw the weapon, outlaw the ammo.

  10. Number9 Says:

    Don’t outlaw heroin, outlaw the needle.

  11. Chas Says:

    Markie Marxist sez: “We don’t really want to serialize ammo itself, it’s gun owners that we want to put serial numbers on, but we can’t do that directly because it’s not politically feasible on account of the ‘Nazi association’ thing.
    Still, we can indirectly serialize gun owners by tying their identities to serial numbers on ammunition, which has the same effect, while skirting the unpleasantness of that business of tattooing gun owners directly. Gun owners will still effectively be numbered. We very much want to be able to track them down and, uh, what’s that euphemism? Oh yeah, ‘subdue’ them if they should ever launch an insurrection against us. Match the case to an individual; ‘subdue’ that individual. Ammunition serialization can greatly simplify regime maintenance for us. It’s just common sense gun control.”

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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