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Speaking of National Park Carry

The NYT is crapping its pants over the new ruling. Denise addresses their general condescension. Also, says the NYT:

“Anticipating what Barack Obama has called “common-sense gun safety laws,” the Bush administration has rushed through a last-minute gun rule that is the antithesis of common sense.”

Actually, the grassroots of this movement have been going on for well over a year. It’s not exactly a last minute sort of deal. You know, the Department of Interior solicited feedback. Got some. Extended the deadline because they didn’t like the pro-gun feedback they were getting. Pro-gun feedback continued.

2 Responses to “Speaking of National Park Carry”

  1. JayF Says:

    Also in the NY Times editorial:

    The administration — again — also has ignored the point of a public comment period. It received 140,000 comments on this proposed rule change, the vast majority opposing it, and still went ahead.

    (It’s good to seef the Times to object to this, which they have never done before. Whenever NYC proposes a new gun control law to further harass NYC’s legal gunowners, they are required to hold a public hearing. At these hearings, the vast majority of those NYC residents who attend and speak oppose the proposal, which the NYC politicians then pass anyway. It’s good to see the NY Times make such a stunning reversal by urging that legislators be influenced by the majority during a public comment period. I look forward to their support in opposing any future NYC gun control law opposed by the majority during a NYC public comment period.)

    NY Times: Right now, the National Parks are among the very safest places in this country, according to the F.B.I. The presence of concealed, loaded weapons is likely to change that, and it also is likely to pose an increased threat to wildlife.

    (“Likely to change that”? “Likely to pose an increased threat to wildlife”? Then we need only look at those parks where carrying firearms is ALREADY allowed. Anchorage Daily News: Allowing guns in parks doesn’t seem to bother Alaskans
    …park service officials in Alaska didn’t appear particularly concerned.
    “We’ve had guns in the ANILCA parks since 1980 with no real troubles,” noted Alaska region spokesman John Quinley. The legislation creating the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act, or ANILCA, parks has always allowed for guns to be carried.)

  2. ka Says:

    And don’t forget about state parks in states that have CCW laws. Oklahoma allows carry in state parks and I haven’t heard of the trails running red with blood in the last 10 years.

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