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Post-Heller DC

The city council there continues to push gun laws:

The D.C. Council voted unanimously yesterday to give preliminary approval to legislation that would require gun owners to renew their registrations every three years and to notify police annually whether they still own guns.

The Fire Arms Registration Amendment, which would also ban assault weapons, was described as building on legislation passed by the council in September to adhere to the U.S. Supreme Court ruling overturning the city’s 32-year handgun ban.

I’m thinking someone should once again urge congress to step in.

3 Responses to “Post-Heller DC”

  1. Jay Says:

    The part about the background checks every 6 years is a beaut as well.

  2. HtownTejas Says:

    “..legislation that would require gun owners to renew their registrations every three years and to notify police annually whether they still own guns.”

    I applaud this common-sense legislation and think they should take it a step further!

    Suggested additions:

    1st Amendment Improvements:
    Must Register to speak, indicate need to speak freely, be subject to common-sense restrictions, and re-register every three years.

    2nd Amendment Improvements:
    No action required, already common-sensed to death. 20,000 infringements and counting. See this blog post for latest regional infringements.

    3rd Amendment Improvements:
    Oddly, this right has not been improved out of existence yet. Perhaps we should register our residences in case common-sense troop quartering is required.

    4th Amendment Improvements:
    No action required, That one is common-sensed to death already with the help of King George W’s Administration and the War on (some) Drugs.

    5th Amendment Improvements:
    No action required, the E.P.A. has relieved us of that one.

    6th, 7th, and 8th Amendments Improvements
    No action required, rendered null by the Military Commissions Act of 2006

    9th Amendment Improvements
    Protection of rights not specifically enumerated in the Bill of Rights is no longer need at all, as we no longer recognize the rights specifically enumerated anymore.

    10th Amendment Improvements:
    No action required, rendered null by the Supreme Court’s 2005 decision in Gonzalez v. Raich (towards end of article)

    Not much left to improve. Let’s get this 20,001st gun law passed!

    Seriously, we’re exiting the ‘awkward stage’.


  3. Ron W Says:

    I suppose these leaders of D.C. would SAY they support “civil rights”, but they are willing to trample them to either restrict or deny the most basic right of armed slef-defense. And how is that enforced? Oh, by guns, of course!

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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