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Clinton as SecState


Not that a little thing like the constitution would get in the way anyway.

2 Responses to “Clinton as SecState”

  1. 6Kings Says:

    Where is the press?! Oh, yeah….in the tank.

    Dumbsh#$s can’t even get a real story when it is handed to them.

  2. Guav Says:

    6Kings, for what it’s worth, I’ve seen the story reported by CBS, MSNBC and FOX, although I don’t know how serious an issue it is:Clinton Can Take The Job, But She Can’t Take The Pay

    She’s not the first member of Congress to run into the issue and there have been fixes. William Saxbe, a Republican senator from Ohio, faced the same problem when President Richard Nixon nominated him to be attorney general in 1973. The solution: Congress voted to reduce the attorney general’s pay, clearing the way for Saxbe to take the post. A similar fix was arranged to allow Texas Sen. Lloyd Bentsen to become Treasury secretary in 1993.

    Clinton “can take the office, she can’t take the pay,” said Senate historian Don Ritchie.

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