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Turkey day pardons

One thing to notice about Sarah Palin in this video here.

Notice how she’s not a pussy?

12 Responses to “Turkey day pardons”

  1. ben Says:

    Noticed, check.

  2. Al Says:

    Nothing to say about Palin or her turkey. Every time I click on a link on this site the page shifts half way to the right and I’ve got half a white page on the left. Most of the time nothing comes up, sometimes I can get comments. Has been this way ever since the look change, anyone else have this happen?

  3. SayUncle Says:

    This site or a site I linked?

  4. Yosemite Sam Says:

    Your site Uncle. This happens to me as well in IE 6.0

  5. Kristopher Says:

    The link work just fine for me.

    Using Firefox .

  6. karrde Says:

    I’ve sporadically seen the “SaysUncle site slides halfway across the webpage view” in IE 6.0.2.

    Usually, if I sweep the mouse up the top of the page, it corrects itself.

    Firefox renders the site just fine.

  7. mike w. Says:

    Yeah, the same thing happens to me with IE6. Usually if I just refresh the page all is fine.

  8. Lyle Says:

    IE6? I suppose you wear raw animal skins for clothing and use stone tools too, then complain because you’re ucomfortabe and your tools don’t interface well with your new Mercedes.

    I’d like to see the president, or Palin, simply shoot the turkey with a shotgun. No close-ups you understand, just a nice, homey, sports channel-style vid. You get a double benefit that way. “Blam!” followed by, “Who’s hungry?”

  9. DJK Says:


  10. JKB Says:

    If only she’d looked back and told the guy, “Hey, that bird looks good could you wrap it up for me” right after saying the turkey was her job for the family meal. That would be classic.

    With Palin, you learn not only that she will pardon but exactly what fate the bird was pardoned from.

  11. Sarah Says:

    I thought that Sarah Palin “breaking news” thing was a parody. Good grief, liberals are wimps.

  12. Tam Says:

    From the pants-wetting going on with the blowdried twit in the newsroom, I expected her to tear the turkey’s throat out with her teeth, which would have been fuckin’ awesome.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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