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Speaking of Mythbusters

You apparently can polish a turd. The actually made a couple of high-gloss and highly unsanitary spheres from poo.

Can’t find video, though. Probably be here soon.

6 Responses to “Speaking of Mythbusters”

  1. anon Says:

    “You apparently can polish a turd.”

    I thought the most recent election had proven that.

  2. tgirsch Says:

    I thought the most recent election had proven that.

    No, you’re thinking of 2000. 🙂

  3. Dan Are Says:

    And I was gonna be neutral and say “You’ll see it here soon”:

  4. Nate Says:

    The Obama truthers are going to get anon for being racist! Obviously you are calling him a turd because turds are brown, and so is The Lightbringer…where’s your hood dude…where’s your hood?

  5. BWM Says:

    Mythbusters are really scaping the bottom of the barrel now huh?

  6. DirtCrashr Says:

    Drink a half-pint of olive oil and you can produce a shiny effect.
    Has olive-oil been tried with waterboarding? That’s a shiny-turd of another sort.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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