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Obama: Good for gun sales

Denver Post:

Obama’s record on firearms triggers run on sales in state


By midday Wednesday, the Colorado Bureau of Investigation’s “Insta- Check” background check — required for the sale of a firearm and typically about 8 minutes long — was jammed with waits lasting more than two hours.


Across Colorado, gun shops reported brisk business Wednesday as hunters and gun enthusiasts began to stockpile in anticipation of a Democratic president and Congress whittling away Second Amendment gun rights. The FBI is reporting that gun sales have increased 10 percent over purchases at this point last year.

Jerry Stehman told an endless wave of customers at his Jerry’s Outdoor Sports store in Grand Junction to come back in two hours to pick up their firearm purchases. For the past 10 days, Stehman said, customers have been gathering cases of ammunition and multiple guns.

Meanwhile, Tam offers advice for those hedging their bets. I’d recommend uzi mags too. They are plentiful.

Paul notes we’re playing chicken with the second amendment:

The industry will see a considerable increase in sales of ARs, other black rifles and semi-auto pistols with “hi-cap” mags. During this period the industry will make money hand over fist – at least the black rifle makers and handgun companies will. The traditional hunting companies will see growth but nothing like the others unless they have a strong tactical product line-up.

I guess I need to pick up some kind of WunderNine.

3 Responses to “Obama: Good for gun sales”

  1. Manish Says:

    Barack Obama…stimulating the economy.

  2. Matt Fulghum Says:

    WRT “WunderNines” – I know they think I suck and they hate me, but I heart my HK P2000v3. If 13rds is enough for you, you could certainly do worse.

  3. Xrlq Says:

    Barack Obama…stimulating the economy.

    That particular part of the economy, sure. Maybe Barack could stimulate the entire economy in a heartbeat by implicitly threatening to ban everything under the sun.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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