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I hear a Waaahmbulance

A reporter asked hard questions and did not follow the script Biden is used to. As a result, the Obama/Biden camp has denied the station access for the rest of the campaign.

16 Responses to “I hear a Waaahmbulance”

  1. Bitter Says:

    Look for more of this in their Administration if they win. In fact, the blogosphere may suddenly become much more important for actual reporting than I ever would have imagined if they win and they keep this up.

  2. gattsuru Says:

    For at least the end of the campaign.

  3. Tam Says:

    Biden? You mean the “Lickspittle Lapdog of the Lunatic Left”?

  4. Manish Says:

    So let me get this straight..a reporter (whose husband is a GOP operative) asks if internet rumours are true that Biden is going to drop out of the race and Hillary is going to replace him and we are supposed to take this person seriously. O.k. got it.

  5. SayUncle Says:

    Yeah, ’cause that’s all she asked.

  6. Bobby Says:

    “He is not spreading the wealth around!”
    Biden says it twice.

    Did Obama lie during all the debates? Because I’ve heard him say that he wanted to more then once too.

  7. Nate Says:

    So let me get THIS straight…we are the dickheads because we are calling bullshit on a guy who is running for public office who won’t answer direct viable questions….sounds good to me. Wrapping my mind around Obamassiah’s minions mental gymnastics gets a little difficult sometimes.

  8. Manish Says:

    plus, I’m sure the irony is not lost on everyone that Sarah Palin refuses to talk to any reporter who isn’t Fox, Rush, etc. because they ask questions that irritate her like what news publications do you read.

  9. Blake Says:

    “the irony is not lost on everyone that Sarah Palin refuses to talk to any reporter who isn’t Fox, Rush, etc.”

    Palin Now Much More Media-Accessible Than Biden

  10. Nate Says:

    So now your going to go to the Obama/Biden defense which is “oh yeah, look over THERE!” great plan.
    Palin going on Rush, Fox, Beck, Hannity and turning down liberal media is just like Obama/Biden going on liberal media and turning down Rush, Fox, Beck, and Hannity. They will both do limited runs, but stick to comfortable medium.
    So I answered your question and didn’t pull the “what’s that over there?!?!?!” move.
    Now regardless of who the reporter was, why is it bad that she asked some very valid direct questions, and why is it ok that Biden to tap dance around it without answering the question?

  11. Manish Says:

    Palin going on Rush, Fox, Beck, Hannity and turning down liberal media is just like Obama/Biden going on liberal media and turning down Rush, Fox, Beck, and Hannity.

    except that Obama has gone on O’Reilly. I don’t remember McCain or Palin on any liberal outlets like Olberman, Daily Kos, etc. I do remember them on the MSM though.

    From the Tapper blog post at the very bottom:

    Biden spokesman David Wade argued that, as of Oct. 21, the senator has conducted over 141 media interviews in his two months as Obama’s running mate. “The notion that he isn’t responding to questions from the media is mighty laughable,” Wade told ABC News. “Especially when I reckon could count Governor Palin’s interviews on my ten fingers without even having to resort to counting my toes.”

    That may be true, but in terms of general availability to their traveling press corps, Biden’s and Palin’s roles are switching.

    yeah, that liberal media.

  12. Manish Says:

    Yeah, ’cause that’s all she asked.

    some of her questions were legit, but claiming that Obama was a community organizer for ACORN, asking if Obama was a Marxist were sheer crap.

  13. Nate Says:

    “Look, look, over there”
    You made my point, thanks.

  14. Manish Says:

    “Look, look, over there”

    whatever you say.

  15. Dan Says:

    “I don’t remember McCain or Palin on any liberal outlets like Olberman, Daily Kos, etc.”

    – Yeah, because they have no legitimacy. Palin did do Couric or Gibson, whom are a little more biased than O’reilly. All that idiot Olberman does is say how much O’reilly sucks.

    “Biden spokesman David Wade argued that”

    How about a non-biased source? Next you will be telling us how they are not going to rape the 2nd amendment.

  16. straightarrow Says:

    First, if Obama is elected and given a filibuster proof Congress, the internet will no longer be a viable outlet for news or anything else that isn’t regulated from D.C. Count on it.

    Talk radio, and cable and satellite news and commentary shows will be destroyed with the “Fairness Doctrine” or some other misnamed monstrosity. Count on it.

    As for the reporter asking Biden questions and the Obama campaign’s reaction, all anyone really needs to know is that cockroaches hate the light.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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