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Quote of the day

Bad form to quote yourself but me on Joe the plumber:

Seems Joe articulates capitalist ideas better than the Republican ticket.

12 Responses to “Quote of the day”

  1. Metulj Says:

    Damn straight. They’ve long put ideology over sound practices so this guy should be, at least, taking Paulson’s place in a McCain Presidency.

  2. Lyle Says:

    Hear hear! Joe The Plumber in ’08!

    Metulj; Sound practices flow from the correct ideology, and nothing else. The correct ideology would be that of the Founders. I think you mean to say they put political expediency ahead of ideology. Either that or they simply have no ideology. Either that or their ideology is FUBAR.

  3. Billll Says:

    The Republican ticket would be articulating capitalism better if there were more than just one of them on it.

  4. Manish Says:

    Wow..Joe the Plumber is now the official Hail Mary of the McCain campaign. Perhaps John McCain will suspend his campaign to help Joe buy his company from the current owner.

  5. Metulj Says:

    “The correct ideology would be that of the Founders.”

    You really have to squint hard to call any of those guys capitalists. Really hard.

  6. tgirsch Says:

    Capitalist ideas like not being licensed to do the job you claim you do, and not paying your taxes? 🙂

  7. Bobby Says:

    Tgirsch, seeing how ‘Bamer has smited any attempt to reveal the truth about him self, is it possible this stuff they have on Joe is a little… odd?

    A little quiet!-money here, discrediting political evidence there, and Joe the plumber is a good boy.

  8. Scott Says:

    I like Joe, he sounds like a good Libertarian.

  9. gattsuru Says:

    Capitalist ideas like not being licensed to do the job you claim you do, and not paying your taxes?

    I don’t think he needs to be licensed to own a plumbing company or be part of a plumbing company. I am not a libertarian, but I am an Ohioan, so I’m fairly familiar with the matter.

    That said, yes, not paying stupid amounts of taxes and not having a government-mandated permission slip to do a job are conservative positions. I can’t advocate 1,200 USD in taxes owed past due, but as with Franken, I’ll say that the tax system is more than complicated enough that it’s fair to assume incompetence rather than malice.

  10. AFRICA JACK Says:


    The whole world is watching the intense political campaign in the USA,and so are we in Africa. We have a couple of thousand friends in the USA who have hunted with us before, and our prayers are with you all, that things work out well for you in the end.

    It is just sad, in my humble opinion, that grown men can make such a fuss about – meeting Joe, Joe the plumber, and you said this, and you said that!

    It seems all a bit HOLLYWOOD and getting into the press, rather than into the hearts and sole of Americans. Why don’t they spend their time focussing on what matters.

    In any case, enough said, before I get into trouble.


    “The world may have invented the watch, however, AFRICA owns the time”

    We would like to use this oppotunity to invite you to come and hunt in Africa. Contrary to poular belief it is actuallly a whole lot cheaper than most people think.

    Visit our blog for more news, specials, photos and a lot more.

    We hope to see you there and also hear from you soon.

    God Bless

    Africa Jack

    Phillip Mostert

  11. Hartley Says:

    Hey Tgirsch, maybe you need to realize it isn’t who Joe is that matters, it’s the answer he got from The One that’s the heart of the issue? How about telling us all why redistributing Joe’s income is such a wonderful thing instead of working so hard to slime the guy who had the “impertinence” to ask the question?

  12. emdfl Says:

    Tgir –
    Get back to us when Barack’s media whores pay one tenth as much attention to his background.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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