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Judging by my referral logs, it appears that there’s an awful lot of Googling for the American Hunters and Shooters Association. And they find little ol’ me.

Mission accomplished.

Update: The AHSA: The Brady Campaign in a Flannel Shirt. Comparing AHSA’s positions to the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Ownership:

Basically, there is NO DIFFERENCE in the positions of the AHSA and the Brady Campaign.

And AHSA’s website is down. Heh.

And Wikipedia is hostile to the AHSA:

The American Hunters and Shooters Association (AHSA) is an organization involved in advocacy for gun control,[1] founded to more effectively promote the efforts of the Brady Campaign.[2] Its critics claim that AHSA is a front organization aimed at dividing gun owners by pointing to AHSA members’ bias against private ownership of the most popular modern sporting firearms, and note AHSA leaders have donated money to gun control groups[3] and maintained ties to individuals and organizations who advocate gun control.[4] Despite the similarity in name, AHSA has no ties to the field marksmanship promoting organization, the Hunter’s Shooting Association (HSA).


2 Responses to “Cool”

  1. Weer'd Beard Says:

    But the big question remains, are there any Hunters and Shooters who are buying this astro-turf shit?

  2. Ninth Stage Says:

    A “wiseguy” edited the AHSA wiki article to read less “hostile” at 12:42 your time.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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