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Oh Dear

Nagin admits guilt and settles with the NRA regarding gun confiscations during the aftermath of Katrina.

He should be in jail.

10 Responses to “Oh Dear”

  1. Huck Says:

    “He should be in jail”

    Hell yes he should! There has never been such a flagrant violation of the Constitution as what Nagin pulled in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina.

    But of course he wont be made to answer for it. No politico ever does. 🙁

  2. straightarrow Says:


  3. Bobby Says:

    seems a little bit like a cop-out by the NRA

  4. Matt Says:

    I heard many of those guns were rusted, it would be nice if NO had to pay for repair or replacement of damaged or basically destroyed firearms they confiscated.


    The Second Amendment Foundation assisted NRA in the legal battle

    That’s what, the 2nd time in 15+ press releases the NRA admitted the SAF was a part of the case.

  5. SMiller Says:

    I’ll bet ya’ a dollar to a donut that the next thing we hear is how Nagin has somehow lost the guns or wants background checks done before he will return them or worse. He will try something to stifle this.

  6. Steve J Says:

    It is amazing that some guns still have not been returned.

    Makes me wonder how many big screen LCD TVs were also confiscated by the police.

  7. Standard Mischief Says:

    I’ll bet that Nagin pulled a little mischief to be sure that the news of the settlement hit today, right after the debate, to be sure it wouldn’t screw with his “legacy”.

    The saddest part is that most of the public has never heard of the story of the Katrina gun grab.

    So, do we start the civil case next and sue Nagin for violation people’s civil rights?

    Oh, and the NRA could have gone the extra mile and actually link to that injunction

  8. Standard Mischief Says:

    …wants background checks done before he will return them or worse. He will try something to stifle this.

    From the AP:

    Gun owners must sign an affidavit claiming ownership of a gun but don’t need to present written proof, such as a sales receipt or serial number. A background check also is required to certify that someone claiming a gun can legally possess a firearm.

  9. Lyle Says:

    It’s grand larceny at the very least, or armed robbery. Since when is the mere return of the stolen property, years after it was stolen, sufficient punishment for grand larceny or armed robbery? This doesn’t even touch the constitutional issue.

    Nagan and anyone who participated in this outrage should be barred for life from holding any public office after serving their sentences for armed robbery. What would happen to you if you’d done the same exact thing? This isn’t even a slap on the wrist.

  10. Robert Says:

    What is to be done with the folks who enforced a plainly illegal order? Any LEO who followed this order ought to lose his commission. They SWORE to uphold the US Constitution! What happened to them? Why didn’t they follow their oath?

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