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Brownell’s Affiliate Program

I dig Brownells. They are my first choice when it comes to buying stuff because, at last year’s Gun Blogger Rendezvous, Larry showed up and told us a bit about what Brownells did with respect to activism. They contribute heavily to pro-gun products. Because of Larry’s talk, I tend to buy from them whenever I can. Now, Brownells is offering an affiliate program:

Brownells has just announced an affiliate program that will give a financial return to any firearms or tool related website owner. The program allows website owners to post Brownells text and banner advertisements on their site and receive a commission on any sales that result from the link.

4 Responses to “Brownell’s Affiliate Program”

  1. Linoge Says:

    Wonderful idea, except on their sign-up page, the “Website Category” drop-down menu has nothing approximating “personal”, “weblog”, or anything of the sort (excluding shopping blogs, for some reason).

  2. Robert Says:

    Midway invented the NRA Round-up where you round up your urchase to the next higher dollar ammount and they give the extra to the NRA. It’s raised millions for the NRA.

    We need to be doing business with folks who support Civil Right and NOT doing business with those who don’t.

    Brownells and Midway both support Bill of Rights, as opossed to Leatherman, who supported Kerry last time around.

  3. _Jon Says:

    Hmmm, I guess I’ll have to disable AdBlockPlus for your blog.
    … the sacrifices I make for you…

  4. SayUncle Says:

    i don’t have the ad on my site.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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