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NRA pushes

NRA launches Obama ad campaigns in more states.

5 Responses to “NRA pushes”

  1. Sean Braisted Says:

    Funny, in the few weeks since the NRA launched their missive, Obama’s numbers have gone up in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Virginia.

    See: The boy who cried wolf.

  2. Jacob Says:

    More like McCain’s numbers have gone down. There’s only so much NRA can do with the material available.

  3. Linoge Says:

    Sorry, but “crying wolf” can only be proclaimed if Obama achieves the Presidency and does not do all of the things he has planned on and promised to do (which, after all, is all the NRA advertisements highlight).

  4. Dan Says:

    I wish McCain would pick up the banner for the 2nd amendment. His numbers would certainly go up. Obama has no defense for his silly ideas on gun ownership.

  5. Jim W Says:

    So long as everyone makes this about the economy, it won’t be about social issues.

    If this collapse happened in December, McCain would probably be winning now.

    I know my share of republicans and although everyone is still trying, people are already planning for the next cycle.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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