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Bad news/good news

Video of James Yeager doing a torture test on a Glock 19.

The bad: The guide rod melted.

The good: the Glock kept firing.

2 Responses to “Bad news/good news”

  1. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Jarrett did the same thing with a Para…no failues and nothing melted.

    And he bump-fired for most of it!

  2. Lyle Says:

    So I guess if you want to use your Glock to replace, say, a SAW, then you’ll want to install one of those after-market metal guide rods. ‘Course you’d need to be carrying 67 loaded magazines around with you.

    Hmm; if the guide rod melted, one wonders how the frame came out, what with the slide rails and locking cam being molded into it. Actually, I don’t really care– I never carry more than 50 loaded pistol magazines on my person at any given time (gotta have room for the AK mags, you understand) so it’s a moot question.

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