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Turd sandwich


it seems we have a choice, in November, between two candidates who aren’t exactly inspiring on free speech. One candidate’s biggest legislative accomplishment is a campaign finance reform law that threatens individual speech but mostly hasn’t been enforced against ordinary individuals. The other candidate has formed a fascist network of pseudo-state actors to “hold accountable” those who spread “lies” about him by threatening to yank the FCC license from broadcasters who run paid NRA advertisements that are absolutely accurate.

2 Responses to “Turd sandwich”

  1. Ron W Says:

    The two major party candidates are both UNFIT choices, and IMO are a “wasted vote” unless you have been propagandized to think they OWN our votes>

    A much better choice:

  2. Curtis Lowe Says:

    Yup, same turd sandwich, different wrappers…

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