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Wall Street all of a sudden favors Government intervention into the economy, as evidenced by the 400 point spike at the Dow.

14 Responses to “Capitalists”

  1. Robb Allen Says:

    When someone else is willing to absorb the risk for you, of course.

    The problem is the government doesn’t have the money to do the absorption, so they take it from us instead. It’s the same reason people build houses on the beach and then whine for the government to pull their asses out of the fire when a storm washes their domicile away. If you knew for a fact that your actions actually resulted in consequences, you might not be so foolish.

    Alas, the socialists believe the government to be some sort of infinite, financial well from which to dip from.

  2. wizardpc Says:

    Dave Ramsey (radio guy) said today something to the effect of “This is how dictatorships are formed. People get scared of losing what they have, and they’ll do ANYTHING to keep it. Including handing over control of private industry to someone who promises to make everything okay.”

  3. Lyle Says:

    “…400 point spike at the Dow.”

    Yup, thereby depriving a lot of people of some very good stock buys. If stock prices had fallen through the floor, some of us with better judgement could have gotten rich. If I’d been all that interested, I too would have put off some major buys until after this announcement.

    I’m waiting to see who goes to prison over the way Freddy and Fanny have been run, but I’m not holding my breath.

  4. Rabbit Says:

    Oh look…free cheese/money.

    If I knew there would be no chance for blowback or penalty, I’d drive 100 in school zones, cheat on my wife with centerfolds, and bet this month’s rent, utility, and grocery money on selling short in a bear market. I might even consider bungee-jumping, too.

    Dang, I’m reading too much L. Neil. I’m really becoming a minarchist/anarchocapitalist.


  5. jay 21 Says:

    Welcome to the largest socialist economic endeavour in a year that i can find. 12 baks have already been closed this year, Chairman Ben Bernanke isuused a warning and sadly an express pass to bring his prediction to a prophecy. Sad day for liberterian economics.

  6. Robert Says:

    Bush turns out to be a fake Republican economist as well as a fake gun rights, fake Bill of Rights, Fake Small Government, Fake Immigration, fake homeland security, fake judicial appointment, fake christian and fake abortion rights, fake energy independance, et, et.
    If I was the Iraqis I would be nervous as hell.

  7. Benito Mussolini Says:

    The funny thing is that the “liberals” you hate so much have been tell you that this was the end game for at least 7 years now. A couple of them, who you really don’t like because they are total smartasses, have been telling you this even longer. Where’s Number9 in all of this? Licking his wounds? What’s next? Sarah Palin giving speeches at Palazzo Vitorrio Emanuelle?

  8. SayUncle Says:

    no, the liberals are only saying it now. and a few of these collapses basically have ‘liberals’ at the helm.

  9. Benito Mussolini Says:

    If you were anything close to paying to attention, all a lo of those folks you accuse of being “socialists” were pointing out that this was the eventuality. See Paul Krugman. But he’s a liberal and a Jew, so who can trust him? Right?

    Anyhow, what’s next? Claims that St Joan of Palin will fall before the Cross of Free Markets and set this all right? Good luck with that.

  10. SayUncle Says:

    gad, the hyperbole.

  11. DirtCrashr Says:

    I’m all twisted ’round in confusionary Italian saints and stuff. Go St. George!

  12. Lincoln Adams Says:

    Instead of bailouts, lots of people should be going to jail where they never see the light of day again. Works for me.

    And Benito, suck my ass you Italian slut.

  13. SteVe Says:

    Mark Levin gives details on his radio show Benito. Republicans tried to pass legislation in ’03 & ’05 (I think) to reign in some of the excessive sub prime loans being financed by Fannie/Freddie.

  14. karrde Says:

    I think it’s generally true that capitalists agree with government intervention that is somehow seen as in their favor, and dislike government intervention that hurts them.

    Exhibit A: capitalist big-farm business that pushes the Feds to subsidize ethanol, because then their corn becomes more valuable at sale. (Regardless of what it does to food markets around the world.)

    Exhibit B: Sports teams that make money by sellings stadium tickets and TV airtime regularly getting large endowments from local governments to build new stadiums.

    Exhibit C: financial markets responding to the most recent government intervention. (Though, to be fair, some of the troubles were spawned by a different kind of government intervention…)

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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