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Every day, I wake up. Every day, categories disappear.

7 Responses to “Again”

  1. Bob S. Says:

    Is the Sonny and Cher song “I got you babe” playing on the radio every morning?

  2. Ambulance Driver Says:

    Damn, Bob S. beat me to it.

  3. ka Says:

    No, its the eternal sunshine of the spotless blog.

  4. gunner Says:

    While it is still a bit hinky, the issue I have is that due to bad eye site I have my default font size as ‘larger’ and this makes your page load odd and it take a few refreshes to get it to format correctly.

  5. kolohe46 Says:

    You gotta be an old fart to be thinking about Sonny & Cher’s “I Got You Babe” and not planning the most creative ways to neutralize the wack jobs at Brady, Joyce Fdn., etc.
    I’m worried about city council members not keeping the fire hydrant nearest my house in working order for the last year or so. Nat’l and state fire codes require all eqipment to be in operable condition at all times and these dipwads are clueless about the requirement and how it may affect the city’s bond rating. Sheesh, these people worry more about keeping flower pots hanging from the street lights watered then homes burning down.

  6. Nortius Maximus Says:

    kolohe46: it’s a movie reference.

  7. USCitizen Says:


Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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