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Violent Crime

Helicopters, Humvees, flash-bangs, breaking out windows during a police raid for the crime of . . . . bouncing checks.

I shit you not. Granted, he bounced a large number of them and engaged in fraud. But that’s not a tactical-Tommy crime. No ninja gear required.

2 Responses to “Violent Crime”

  1. workinwifdakids Says:

    Follow the guy to the gas station. When he starts pumping gas, walk up to him and cuff him.

    This is not that difficult.

  2. Nate Says:

    Can they use all of the cool gear they “have” to have if they go get this guy at a gas station? No way!
    I guess they had to use a no-knock warrant because he might flush his computer down the toilet or something, and we can’t have people destroying financial evidence like that. I say good raid, have you ever tried to recover evidence from a computer that was flushed?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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