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Mail call

Junior likes to check the mail. And she likes to get the various packages we have delivered. Last night, the Mrs. notices a package on the front porch. And she tells Junior that there’s a package on the front porch. She excitedly runs to get the package. After a few minutes outside, she starts calling for mom. The Mrs. didn’t realize that it was 250 rounds of ammo that Junior couldn’t lift, but it wasn’t for lack of trying.

8 Responses to “Mail call”

  1. molon labe Says:


    Makes me appreciate the plight of our UPS driver after having just delivered 1000 rounds of 7.62×39 and 500 rounds of 9×18 on the same load.

    Not to mention the wife’s displeasure, thinking it was her Yankee Candle delivery, and not being able to get the box in the house. 🙂

    I LOVE bulk ammo purchases!

  2. ben Says:

    See, if you were a reloader, then she’d be able to pick up the boxes of components and feel good about herself. Now don’t you feel bad? I hope that guilt-trips you into getting a press.

  3. DJK Says:

    Yeah, a Dillon. 😉

  4. ben Says:

    I just received 500 rounds FedEx ground. 15 pounds in a little box. the FedEx guy asked me “what’s in here, gold bars?”

  5. ben Says:

    A guy that I know who reloads, orders bullets sent to work. They come in a 50+ pound package. However, they are sent USPS flat rate, so they are paying $4 to send 50 pounds. It will be a bummer when USPS figures this out.

  6. John Hardin Says:

    ben: Which vendor allows you to select USPS flat rate shipping on bullets??

  7. Weer'd Beard Says:

    +1 I handload, and my bullet bulk orders tip the scales pretty hard.

    Once while signing for a very long package the UPS guy asked “What is this, a rifle?”

    It was a 91/30

  8. Sebastian Says:


    If Dillon isn’t paying you, they should be 🙂

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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