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I Love My Wife

On Tuesday, while driving through a part of Arkansas where the only radio choices are literally God and Country, I had a thought. I was commenting on how “new country” always tends to sound an awful lot like the pop/rock of two decades earlier, and how by that standard, we should start hearing “angst country” in a few years.

My wife, not known for zingers, said:

“If Obama wins, probably a lot sooner.”

Heh. That’s funny, I don’t care who you are.

9 Responses to “I Love My Wife”

  1. Justthisguy Says:

    I prefer “real country”, the stuff which was created about the time of my birth, almost sixty years ago.

    Music for grownups.

    If I can’t have that, I’ll skip back a coupla centuries and love me some Mozart.

    If you don’t love Mozart’s music, you ain’t human. And are probably a cop, or a schoolteacher, or a politician, or a dog-owner, or someone who prefers RC to FF.

  2. tgirsch Says:

    Hey, what’s wrong with dog owners? šŸ˜‰

    Anyway, I like Mozart fine, but I’d take Tchaikovsky over Mozart any day. Marche Slave is an incredible piece.

  3. straightarrow Says:

    Are you guys kidding? Let’s face it, classical music is where it’s at. Webb Pierce singing “There Stands the Glass” is classical music, right, right?

  4. straightarrow Says:

    Ok, ok, for the purists there is always the Chiffons, Shirelles, and all that Italian opera, doo wop!

  5. Stormy Dragon Says:

    What’s the difference between ‘angst country’ and the old-fashioned ‘I had to drive my pickup down to the train station in the rain to pick up my Mom who was getting out of prison’ country?

  6. tgirsch Says:


    In the latter case, he had a reason to be upset. There’s your difference. šŸ™‚

  7. _Jon Says:

    Classical music is only missing one thing – a singer.
    The person singing is using their voice as an instrument to make music – just like the violin or the trumpet. Leaving out the singer is leaving out a unique aspect of music.
    But, then again, if you are trying to write music that can be reproduced perfectly and the musicians replaced on a whim, classical is the way to go.
    So – long way around – classical music is communist. (there’s a flame war starter.)
    šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚

    Also, related to Arkansas, is this section of a joke from Maggie’s Farm:

    How many people does it take to change a light bulb in Arkansas: None. There is no electricity in Arkansas

  8. rick Says:

    can punk country and grunge country be far behind?

  9. Justthisguy Says:

    tgirsch, dog owners are control freaks. They _have_ to be control freaks to do justice to their dogs, who don’t feel right unless properly dominated. I can get along with dogs, and they seem to like me, but I just don’t do the domination thing. I don’t like people doing the domination thing on me, either.

    People who fly radio-controlled model airplanes are obvious control freaks. People who (e.g.) toss hand-launched gliders up into thermals just to watch them go out of sight overhead, are not control freaks, but people who are capable of sacrificing some labor to achieve artistic beauty.

    Sorta like the Apollo project, which was a very beautiful art project for engineers, who got to build something without guns on it, for once.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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