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It might get a little moonbatty in here

But it’s the armed moonbats, so that’s OK.

Seems we got DUed (pronounced duh’ed?)

Via unix jedi.

7 Responses to “It might get a little moonbatty in here”

  1. ZerCool Says:

    I stumbled through a link into DU once upon a time. I just did it once more to see what they’re saying.

    It boggles my mind that a group that busy bashing each other is able to come up with anything resembling a solid candidate.

    Then again, things like DU should be considered the lefty version of the ultra-conservative right.

    The one that really got me … someone told someone else that they were a “Freeper”. Now, silly me, I thought to myself, “What’s *bad* about being a free person?” The rest of the board jumped all over the original name-caller like they were walking through Harlem yelling “the N-word” at the top of their lungs.

    Apparently a Freeper is a member of some far-right forum. *shrug* who knew?

    Apparently they have pretty thin skins over there… must be the granola diet… 😉

  2. Robert Says:

    I’ve seen people walking through Harlem yelling the N-word and nobody batted an eye. They were rappers, of course.

  3. chris Says:

    The people of DU think that Sayuncle’s posters are inflammatory!?

    What a bunch of losers.

  4. Jim W Says:

    They’re a bunch of ban happy assholes who are deathly afraid of anything approaching a debate.

    Obama is doing all he can these days to distance himself from them, but it only makes him look dishonest while eroding the enthusiasm of his base. This is the real problem with the Democrat’s primary process- only the most devout hard-left candidates make it to the national stage and then they have to duke it out with the product of the winner-take all Republican primary- which usually results in the most lukewarm type of conservative possible, typically the guy that wins all the big democrat strongholds.

    Obama should have wrapped this election up already but he hasn’t because his politics are about 3 standard deviations to the left of a majority. I really had my doubts a few weeks ago, but now it looks like McCain could actually win.

  5. illspirit Says:

    Hehe, look at this gem I found after following the link to Dumbo Underground. An old version of Obamarama’s “sportsmen” issue paper (emphasis mine).

    As a long-time resident and elected official of Chicago, Barack Obama has seen the impact of fully automatic weapons in the hands of criminals. Thus, Senator Obama supports making permanent the expired federal Assault Weapon Ban. These weapons, such as AK-47s, belong on foreign battlefields and not on our streets. These are also not weapons that are used by hunters and sportsmen.

  6. Jeff Says:

    Obama always says he is not going to take your guns away. Of course, he doesn’t say that you can continue buying new ones. He always supports AWBs.

  7. karrde Says:


    I think “freeper” is short for “someone who posts at Free Republic“.

    I don’t see them too often in my usual haunts on the blogosphere. I guessed (from the few references I see) that the Free Republic is kind-sorta the anti-DU.

    Unless the guys at DU are absolutely paranoid about one of Detroit’s two major newspapers….which can be found at

    Just sayin’.

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