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And I hear she was once a Muslim

So, every time you look up, there are all these tales that point out how awful Sarah Palin is. Mostly those seem to be untrue (see here, here, and here).

The one that seems to stick though is the bridge to nowhere thing. Seems that, in the great tradition of political expediency, she was for vote-buying before she was against it.

And she’s mean to moose. Well, it’s hard to kill them and be nice.

4 Responses to “And I hear she was once a Muslim”

  1. countertop Says:

    Or, you could say she supported efforts to bring federal dollars to Alaska. Fair enough in my mind. When she parted ways with the effort was AFTER it was voted down as a direct appropriation and Congress decided to give it to them anyway, but call it something else.

    I’m not offended, as the puritans on the Internet are, about Wasilla hiring a lobbyist. She’s basically committing malpractice as a mayor not to (and I challenge you to find one decent sized city in the country that doesn’t have someone representing them in Congress).

    Remember, you have to have power in order to get reform. Sometimes, one needs to bite their tongue and play along in order to get to the position that enables you to clean things up. If the best they can do against her is this, she’s gonna clean Barack “My Middle Name Isn’t Hussein” Obama election day

  2. Tam Says:

    Y’know, like I keep trying to tell a certain person who posts here, if that’s all they’ve got, it’s pretty weak.

  3. rightwingprof Says:

    She turned against it pretty quickly, once she saw the actual budget.

  4. Sebastian-PGP Says:

    I think the gotcha politics about this sort of thing will eventually go by the wayside. What she needs to be more concerned about is this sort of thing. Eventually the media will tire of covering the ticky tack fouls (though much like the preggers daughter thing…there’s a grain of truth to the whole “why is your record or your personal life not like your doctrine” line of questioning that seems at least somewhat legitimate…if not a bit profane).

    But when that happens and you get down to brass tacks…being that misinformed on front page national economic policy issues is going to be tough to spin.

    Don’t get me wrong, I’m no Palin basher…but there’s also a bit of the Palin can do no wrong thing going on on the right and it’s not much better than the bashing going on on the left.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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