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My invisible man in the sky can beat up your invisible man in the sky

The Obama fans are amusing. For instance, did you know that Palin’s pastor said that criticizing Bush can land you in Hell. Meanwhile, Obama’s pastor thinks that the government created AIDS to kill black people. Pick your flavor of crazy.

8 Responses to “My invisible man in the sky can beat up your invisible man in the sky”

  1. Sean Braisted Says:

    The latter is more likely to me…but regardless, this is just further proof that the Palin pick is dismantling the GOP arguments against Obama.

    The Republicans chickens…are coming home…to rooooost.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    that argument might hold water if you guys weren’t the ones pointing it out. Just sayin.

  3. Sean Braisted Says:

    Well, the wingers were the first to point out Rev. Wright, and then the media picked it up. We’ll see if this has legs. Thankfully, her pastor was kind enough to put his sermons in audio form online…if only there was video.

  4. Nate Says:

    Sorry, but it seems like two different brands of crazy; same product different concentrations.
    If Palin’s pastor had said that being critical of WHITES was the highway to hell then they would be on the same plane. But the whole “whites runnin’ the system engineered a lethal virus that targets only blacks” seems awfully fruity…
    But us Paleo-Clingers can’t understand such higher logic.

  5. Sean Braisted Says:

    In other words, you can be as crazy as you want as long as you aren’t black.

  6. Nate Says:

    Did you read what I said?
    Here it is, simple as I can make it…
    “Be critical of the President and your going to hell” =Crazy
    “White america created AIDS to kill blacks” = Racist and Super Crazy
    What makes it crazy is the racism thrown in with the crazy.
    So to clarify; No matter what color you are, crazy is crazy, but if you spout crazy and racist garbage, you are by far much higher on the crazy meter.
    I’m almost excited to see how you try to twist this.

  7. Huck Says:

    “criticizing Bush can land you in Hell”

    I’m gonna burn! I voted for the cull and I criticize the hell out of him. Unfortunately, the other choices were worse.

  8. Dan Says:

    You can argue, jokingly, that Palin’s pastor is more accepting of people of different color than Obama’s if based on their ‘famous’ statements. After all, for Wright, you have to be either non-white or hate whites to be included in his group; which leaves out anybody that is white but do not hate ‘whitey.” Palin’s pastor will accept you as long as you do not criticize Bush, which can potentially include anybody regardless of religion/race/gender/ etc.

    Regardless, another non-story thought up by the left to discredit the greatest danger to their white house victory. Wright is still an ignorant bigot to this day.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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